USA is the worst violator of human rights!

(16-04-2022, 10:43 AM)kokee Wrote:  facebook, twitter, google & almost all global social media are block in china.
ccp china everything they want full control, what china people can read or listen, can see or watch, must be controlled by ccp.
what content to be block or banned, what hard truth & fact cannot be seen & listened.
to brainwash mindset, to live without freedom like slavery, to sacrify your life for them, human is just tool, what a waste of life.

火爆全网!上海rapper方略Astro《New Slave 新奴隶》狂批中国封控政策,这才是真正的嘻哈精神!原视频已遭墙内下架!

(16-04-2022, 12:21 PM)kokee Wrote:  with this & such, ccp china know they have to close the door totally now, cannot let china people interact with the rest of the world anymore or their regime will be gone if slavery wake up, united, anger & prepare to lose their life to fight for freedom for their children & future generation.
china will be powerful & strong if they open up totally like taiwan & US, then ccp china will has to give way to democratic, let the people rule the country be the owner of china, all can live like human thru their own dream & aspire.
xi & ccp will choose which way, very obvious, they prefer to close the door continue to brainwash slavery, use $$ & woman continue to steal technology, spam lies & BS thru comie dogs like this forum.
also use nukes to extort the world $$ & peace thru evil way, dogs here support all their evil action thru all the posts & threads here.
all these dogs lick all these evil balls here super ugly 7-24 here, LOL LOL.

5 Lies China Told the World

worst violation of human right, who else> china.
still has not talk about, xinjiang, FLG, HK, tibet & ton more, all the censored & controlled news lies, no speech & news freedom, no humanity & human right, just a total joke to human being, LOL LOL.

this kind of bloody thread title lies, comie dogs here also can bark.
obvious, a dictatorship country without freedom, human right & humanity definitely be worst.
those of us all stay in a civilised place in democratic country, we enjoy our life to fullness, we have almost all choice to choose the life we want to lead as long as no harm to the rest.
all these shameless comie liars here & in communist country or news or writers, give a clean world back to our earth, stop all the lies, face truth like a man, all these really chow ah qua, lol lol.

(17-04-2022, 01:52 PM)kokee Wrote:  worst violation of human right, who else> china.
still has not talk about, xinjiang, FLG, HK, tibet & ton more, all the censored & controlled news lies, no speech & news freedom, no humanity & human right, just a total joke to human being, LOL LOL.

this kind of bloody thread title lies, comie dogs here also can bark.
obvious, a dictatorship country without freedom, human right & humanity definitely be worst.
those of us all stay in a civilised place in democratic country, we enjoy our life to fullness, we have almost all choice to choose the life we want to lead as long as no harm to the rest.
all these shameless comie liars here & in communist country or news or writers, give a clean world back to our earth, stop all the lies, face truth like a man, all these really chow ah qua, lol lol.

U want China people watch u suck angmo cums ah? Laughing

【全球大視野|小編精選】打臉美國!陸人權報告近7成亞裔受歧視?逼陸選邊站!美要大陸把侵略者或受害者選一個? @全球大視野 20220415

【盧秀芳辣晚報】布林肯揮起"人權"大棒 印度攤牌回嗆! 公開打臉美國@中天新聞 精華版


(24-04-2022, 05:37 AM)kokee Wrote:  sure, such hard truth & real fact will never able to show in china, ccp china are so scared of truth, they censored almost 100% of these real fact, spam all the lies for their propaganda to brainwash slavery there to fight & sacrify their life for their dictator, same to all comie dogs here spam all communist source of fake here to brainwash brainless here due to skin color or slavery mindset. Enjoy the one & only life you have on earth, not suffer yourself as slavery. freedom is utmost important in one life to be able to life fullness, same to humanity & right.
be truthful & live sincere & honest.



as above 2 videos, china is the most no human right & freedom country in this world.

(24-04-2022, 11:27 AM)kokee Wrote:  as above 2 videos, china is the most no human right & freedom country in this world.

Why u like to lie so much about China? And u r a farking Chinese right. Beg me not to hit u somemore. Laughing


中国外交部:美出具“人权报告”是为污名化竞争对手、胁迫勒索他国;乌克兰总统:愿与俄方就撤离钢铁厂内被困人员展开谈判 |《东方新闻》20220429【东方卫视官方频道】

Nothing we can do , money talks n billions $$$ can buy any human on earth...Or if refused, or dont toe the line after receiving $$$, disappeared from face of this earth..
$$$ can b used for good as well as evil.

How Does Biden Plunder The World? We Cannot Tell You All!


去完大英博物館覺得大陸好流?通過掠奪立國的歐美最無資格同中國講人權|陳怡 ChanYee







Plane carrying more than 150 migrants lands in NYC: Fox News exclusive



(26-05-2022, 01:17 PM)kokee Wrote:  new leak report  from xinjiang police documents, scary.
can shoot in classroom if try to create trouble.
xinjiang detention camp of course is not jail, is a re-education camp, why need to re-educate in xinjiang? why is a genocide?
no freedom & human right in ccp china, almost everything must follow their instruction, lawless, can only live the way ccp want you to be.
comie dogs here sure support ccp to brainwash morons here.

New leaked reports on Uighurs in China shocks the world | Images expose Uighurs abuse | Xinjiang

these dogs here sill got shame to put such thread title, totally speechless, real dogs.

got new comie dogs rush in, all these know nut can only bark lies form their ass without evidence.
got morons believe their BS without content or explanation, all these panic & desperate know nut dogs here.
FLG? then F FLG to hell, who bother all these china rubbish.
google below, to to read yourself, ton to read & watch.

「新疆警察檔案」遭曝光 中共「種族滅絕」鐵證如山;「起來!不甘為奴的上海人」 自救會號召抗暴


New leaked reports created by Lokee's beloved AMTK or Falun Gong Cult?  Rotfl

'22.05.26【觀點│正經龍鳳配】Pt.3 這就是美國:在海外隨便殺人!在家裡隨便被殺?

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[Image: 54-AD2323-6-CAE-4-A49-9-BBA-A1-A90141658-C.jpg]


Kokee, heng ah! NOT in China!  Laughing

Gravitas Plus: Gun terror in America

Kokee, heng ah! NOT in China!  Laughing

Sutherland Springs Church Shooting 

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Under President Donald Trump, the U.S. withdrew from the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) in October 2017 and June 2018 respectively.

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