Ukraine:Armed with tactical and strategic ballistic missiles, nuclear weapons bombers

In 1991, at the time of gaining independence, Ukraine took 3rd place when it came to nuclear arsenal. We were third, not even in Europe, but in the world.

Our state was armed with tactical and strategic ballistic missiles, bombers carrying nuclear weapons. However, all this was destroyed after the signing of the Budapest Memorandum.

In exchange for… word on paper. Word of the United States, Russia and Britain (later joined by China and France). The word was a "guarantee" - the sovereignty and territorial integrity of our state.

A document that does not guarantee anything

Why do I now say that this is a lie 30 years long? Because, as it turned out, the Budapest Memorandum is not exactly a document, because it does not guarantee anything to anyone.

This is what German Ambassador to Ukraine Anka Feldguzen said on one of the Ukrainian TV channels . I do not think that this is her personal position - most likely, this is what the whole of Germany thinks in the face of the old and new authorities. This conclusion can be made.

What Russia wants to achieve

This means:

stop us on the road to NATO;
to put at one table of negotiations with fighters;
to force the implementation of the Minsk agreements as Russia wants (that is, first elections, amnesty and changes to the constitution, and then - the withdrawal of troops, perhaps or not);
create all conditions for recognizing the territories occupied by Russia at the legislative level.

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