Ukraine destroys the Russian Army command operations center killing 2 Rus Generals
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(26-04-2022, 11:41 AM)way Wrote:

Congrats! Ukraine won liao!

few more russia generals & chief commanders died in recent days, probably>25-30 died to date, probably around 30-50% of high rank military in russia army today, how about those kena sacked by putin & many run away due to whatever reasons, how many left? still can fight?
Ukraine army start to prepare to attack russia army in mariupol, if can success likely will move towards crimea liao & take some lands from russia instead.


美国国务卿、国防部长明天双双访问乌克兰! 俄二位将军在赫尔松被一齐干掉! 在河南坠毁的战斗机,有俄罗斯飞行员!


Wow Ukraine bom can even see who they killed....liddat Russian gone case liao.🤣🤣🤣

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