EUROPE REPLACES Russia Gas with LNG. Deals for Germany, Italy, Poland, Finland & more

already said, all these commie dogs here will never get 1 case right using their fake communist sources of lies & rubbish.
Europe will not use russia gas, buy LNG, liquid gas from container ship, no need gas pipe from russia.
Price is never a problem, risk & safety of human life is much more important, never fed evil devil, china & russia.
Russia can go holan & bankrupt, like Iran & NK today in 1-2 yrs time, russian people will suffer badly, military power also damaged, hard for russia to start any war in next 10-20 yrs or century if no money to buy parts.

EUROPE REPLACES Russian Gas with LNG. Deals for Germany, Italy, Poland, Finland, Denmark.


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Alam Kok,

You have to say by when? Don't make people laugh at your no brain.



(06-06-2022, 06:24 PM)webinarian Wrote:  Alam Kok,

You have to say by when? Don't make people laugh at your no brain.


Kokee must ans the dates


(01-06-2022, 10:18 AM)kokee Wrote:  EU is going to cut russia oil by 90% this yr.
Russia now almost bankrupt, debt & bond defaulted now. If oil also cannot sell, eat grass.
Oil price will go up if russia oil cannot sell to EU, shortage will escalate.
More important, dont feed evil, with integrity to cut off from evil.


as above, EU said it, they will deliver it.
after gas stop buying from russia, next is oil, latest by end of this yr, early can be anytime now till end of the yr.
sanction russia still ongoing, google yourself, how russian people suffer today, deserve it.

Alam Kok 3 months ago said US will supply to fulfill EU requirements.

Up till now, why EU still behind the back buy Ruble to purchase gas from Russia?

Don't keep spreading fake news lah. 

Don't know say don't know. Don't pretend knowing. Know nut. Hahaha.


(06-06-2022, 06:24 PM)webinarian Wrote:  Alam Kok,

You have to say by when? Don't make people laugh at your no brain.


Kokee thinks that LNG can just be put in coke bottles and get transported to Europe mah!  Rotfl

another rubbish, discuss here so many tmes, till know still dont know, really know nut.
germany & europe stop russia gas, switch t LNG & coal.
russia gas also will cut off totally, so simple.
never ever rely on evil devil, money is nothing compared to safety.

EUROPE REPLACES Russian Gas with LNG. Deals for Germany, Italy, Poland, Finland, Denmark.

Germany plans to burn more coal 


(24-06-2022, 09:26 AM)kokee Wrote:  another rubbish, discuss here so many tmes, till know still dont know, really know nut.
germany & europe stop russia gas, switch t LNG & coal.
russia gas also will cut off totally, so simple.
never ever rely on evil devil, money is nothing compared to safety.

EUROPE REPLACES Russian Gas with LNG. Deals for Germany, Italy, Poland, Finland, Denmark.

Germany plans to burn more coal 

Germany should burn your cok. Rotfl

[Image: 90-C006-CF-1-F71-4-BBB-AAE0-1-E69-C8023-B89.jpg]

(24-06-2022, 09:26 AM)kokee Wrote:  Germany plans to burn more coal 

LNG has become coal???  Rotfl

No wonder EU Natural gas price has dropped from peak of 244 to 77 in May but it is beginning to go up in June after Germany warned that Russia is up to no goid threatening to cut the Russian gas supply again.

[Image: Screenshot-2022-06-24-092948.jpg]

Trading Economics:  In China, employed persons refer to who performed some work for one hour during the reference period.

Oil price is on its way down too after Germany announced that it would start the coal fire power stations.

Trading Economics:  In China, employed persons refer to who performed some work for one hour during the reference period.

ship to ship transfers r like Rotterdam spots in the former
this time Greece
Greece cannot afford to be pirates at Iran
Iran can box-back at the Gulf the straits of Hormus.
Japoni like sg loves Green financings.
Jap stops coal aids to Indonesia etc

(06-06-2022, 06:17 PM)kokee Wrote:  EUROPE REPLACES Russia Gas with LNG. Deals for Germany, Italy, Poland, Finland & more

So, moronic Kokee Cok, problem solved?   Thinking Rotfl Rotfl Rotfl

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