Ukraine sent reserve troops to retake Bakhmut

After Russia claimed power in the city of Bakhmut, the Ukrainian authorities are now trying to counterattack by mobilizing reserve troops to the city.

"The enemy is determined to fight to regain the fringes that the Ukrainian army once controlled even though they have lost the city. The Ukrainian army is moving reserves and trying to regain control of Bakhmut," he said. Gagin said.

If it’s a fight they want, it’s a fight they’ll get

What I have saw from video is reserves are some new soldiers not the seasoned soldiers. Most will surrender without giving a fight or if fight will be sitting ducks.

Another video a commander of a 30 man unit tell how they "borrow" 5 of his men to Bakhmut. A few days later that 5 never return and they borrow more men again to Bakhmut. Total 18 men are "borrowed" from his unit to Bakhmut and none return. He is very concerned and worried men sent into Bakhmut most or if not all never make it out alive. He got no news of those men under his charge.

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