Blood on your hands' if world steps back on tackling COVID now, WHO official says

LONDON, Sept 23 (Reuters) - If rich nations think the pandemic is over, they should help lower-income countries reach that point too, a senior World Health Organization official told Reuters.

In an interview, WHO senior adviser Bruce Aylward warned that richer nations must not step back from tackling COVID-19 as a global problem now, ahead of future potential waves of infection.

For a long time, Singapore authority  among few countries already stopped tracking Covid19 cases so, is Singapore's hand stained with blood too?

What can WHO do?


Do you still remember the term used in 2020" No Test No Case "?

All BS

Imagine with all these claims from WHO, still many complaints or reproach that China was trying to have a zero covid was stupidity. When the Chinese government is just trying to prevent many lives losses to this covid 19.

And if anyone with a slightest “brain” would be able to tell who or which country was the one who has released the virus. When China keep trying to save more lives while the other has losses over millions, and not forgetting that they were the first few that came up with the vaccines and worse of all, had convinced many other countries to be like them opening up in view of the economy.

Have a think about it.

"Experts agree with MOH move to stop daily Covid-19 updates to media, as 'they are no longer meaningful"

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