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Ukraine war endgame : Surrender liao! Low morale!!!

烏軍營長“自刎”不成被俘!頓涅茨克阿夫迪夫卡戰鬥俄軍俘虜烏克蘭第30機械化旅營指揮員 俄軍一晝夜轟炸烏軍450處彈藥基地 頓涅茨克武裝力量已從馬里烏波爾北上頓巴斯




美國損失慘重! 18萬噸軍火被繳!俄軍攻占烏克蘭最大“軍火庫” 哈爾科夫州第65中央兵工廠 美軍慘變“運輸大隊” 俄軍中央軍區副司令明涅卡夫宣布俄軍將奪取敖德薩 5.9紅場閱兵後俄烏戰爭難結束


Putin says Russia will provide a better life for people in Eastern Ukraine


(18-04-2022, 03:15 PM)kokee Wrote:  Ukraine army still super strong & steady in Donbass & mariupol.
putin panic, furious over carrier moscow sink, >20000 russia army, general & chief commanders died, almost 30000 russia army refuse to fight in Ukraine, more to come, LOL LOL, super scared, with US & NATO latest & advanced weapons attacking russia army & weapons.

sure, mariupol still hold on with ukraine although the whole donbass area almost 90% of people are russian speaking.
comie dogs here lies 50x here said mariupol already surrender, lost to russia or ukraine kill ukraine here or all kind of BS & lies non stop 7-24 here.
after 50 days of war, russia cant even occupy mariupol, a small town so closed to russia border from Ukraine, russia is 10000x bigger than mariupol yet cant do it, what rubbish shit russia military is, why morons here still can brainwash by dogs here, not real morons is what just because of skin color>



all these dogs & russia bark victory & surrender 7/24 here, eventually is russia retreat, run road.
russia army size in mariupol almost 10x of Ukraine yet cannot win, WTF, totally junk army & weapons.
comie dogs here can only lies like this thread title, lost your shit, bark for months yet russia cant even occupy & control 1 inch of Ukraine land.
yet russia military & economy almost collapse now, rubbish weapons & lack of army to sustain now, LOL LOL.
ton of russia weapons warehouse & chemical factory in russia in huge fire last 2 days, panic.

「不死鳥馬利波」徹底逆轉戰局!? 烏克蘭版「史達林格勒」噎死普丁喉嚨!


Neo-Nazi Azov Battalion Using Civilian Buildings to House Ammo Depots



russia has 10x more army in mariupol but cant fight, Ukraine army still protect & stay on in mariupol.
most russia youth & man refuse to fight for russisa now, I said many times, only morons sacrify their life for a nazi invader dictator.


4.22 突發 【拒絕做炮灰!】俄羅斯青年拒絕為普京賣命,用汽油彈進攻,殲滅了五個募兵處,俄羅斯人民覺醒了

russia army death toll & putin health condition is terribly bad.
ton of russia army still missing.


俄烏戰局僵持不下 普丁會面紹伊古氣到"桌角抓緊緊" 俄軍吃不下亞速鋼鐵廠 進去一個死一個

Kokee, if you are too young you can't watch hor!  Laughing





(23-04-2022, 12:57 PM)kokee Wrote:  all these moronic comie fake news created by communist sources of BS & lies.
everyday surrender, win my shit, war still ongoing, russia stop attacking, panic although russia army is 10x more than ukraine but russia has no way to occupy or control 1 inch land in mariupol, all these comie liars BS.
russia accidentally exposed their death rate in Ukraine war, scary high, still has few thousands or higher missing, ton of POW & surrendered plus injury in huge numbers, russia & putin panic, also ton of russia man refuse to join army in war now.
also rubbish chechen & those hired army, death tolls also super high, now russia no money, no one will sacrify their life for junk russia army & weapons.

俄媒意外曝光(俄罗斯国防部闭门会议披露的)俄军战损! 俄雇佣军战损同样惊人!


as above, ton & ton of russia army died, putin panic like dog, yet these comie dogs here lies 7/24 that ukraine surrender, russia victory, my foot, all these lies yet got morons here still believe all these dogs communist sources of fake & lies? then you are a real brainless moron.

抓到了!俄軍活捉虐俘烏克蘭軍官“羅曼” 伊久姆俄軍渡過艾達爾河並開始進攻利曼市 馬里烏波爾俄軍輪換後已開始向哈爾科夫方向集結 圍而不攻 牽制烏軍第6兵團及基輔援軍




all these bloody comunist source of lies still got morons believe? then is real moron.
almost 60 days of war, russia cant even occupy & control 1 inch of ukraine land, yet died>20000 generals, chief commander & army, tons of weapons totally destroy, you think russia junk army still can achieve anything? my foot.
Now Ukraine not only want to recover all their town & going to take over crimea from russia, who win? LOL LOL.
russia lost in this war is totally unimaginable, all these moronic comie dogs.

4.23 最新戰報【光復克里米亞!】烏軍計劃炸毀34億美元建造的克里米亞大橋,切斷俄軍軍事物資補給,一舉光復失土!




美國緊張!普京“恢復蘇聯”!赫爾松升起蘇聯“勝利旗幟” 俄國家杜馬審議蘇軍攻克柏林紅旗取代俄三色國旗 美俄在地緣政治博弈之外還存在意識形態鬥爭

[Image: NPCe2upeFwQdhCIgbhvUPIEkJtovnUXGpbB7JRoZ...350341b955]

[+] 1 user Likes cityhantam's post




Win some, lose some. That is life.
[+] 1 user Likes fuchsia's post

The cocky cock really inhumane! He claimed Russia had more troops than Ukraine yet couldn't defeat Azov ... in case he's didn't know or maybe ignorant or maybe like his masters cruel and evil, these Ukrainian soldiers are using civilians as shields - with these civilians in mind the Russians stop short of bombing the whole complex! You mean Russia couldn't do it!? Because of civilians used by the Ukrainian army to shield themselves - Russia broke their own ultimatum to assault the complex if the Azov refused to surrender...
So stop all your propaganda about the kindness of the Ukrainian soldiers! There is always the other side of the coin! Be more objective and not be ruthless like your US UK Australia masters ...

Look at Solomon Is! US now threatens to take action and Scotty boy Morris lied about China forcing the Pacific Is to join China ....

I hope you are not imitating your lying thieves masters the US UK and Australia - they are not trustworthy! Liars! Thieves! Accusers! Terrorists! Hope you and your gang are not part of this scheme - conspirators to rule the world in the name of White supremacy!
[+] 1 user Likes sporeguy's post

few more russia generals & chief commanders died in recent days, probably>25-30 died to date, probably around 30-50% of high rank military in russia army today, how about those kena sacked by putin & many run away due to whatever reasons, how many left? still can fight?
Ukraine army start to prepare to attack russia army in mariupol, if can success likely will move towards crimea liao & take some lands from russia instead.


美国国务卿、国防部长明天双双访问乌克兰! 俄二位将军在赫尔松被一齐干掉! 在河南坠毁的战斗机,有俄罗斯飞行员!

(23-04-2022, 05:05 PM)cityhantam Wrote:  



Below news is equally disastrous. ammo lack Ukr troop abandon a big filled weapons storage faculty. 
Rus can easily use these weapons. No wonder Zelen demand 7.5B from beiyue immediately.

[+] 1 user Likes watchfirst9's post



俄乌战事满2个月 俄军誓全面控制顿巴斯 | 八点最热报 24/04/2022



Maslak's war diary: Increased troop strength around Azovstal plant


CGTN correspondent Dmitriy Maslak's war diary 32: Visiting 'DPR' armed howitzer battalion

重大轉折!俄軍進攻第聶伯防線 頓涅茨克軍隊越過憲法邊界進攻哈爾科夫亞姆比爾市 俄軍控制洛佐瓦亞切割烏軍第6兵團與第聶伯之間聯繫 普京戰略意圖全殲烏克蘭頓巴斯集團軍群
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