Underpaid and misled: how staffing agencies manipulate temps

Underpaid and misled: how staffing agencies manipulate temps

Report shows temp workers have few protections, even as staffing industry sees explosive growthHaley Hodges was working as a temp at a medical staffing agency in Iowa when she found out there were complications with her pregnancy and she was forced to cancel a few shifts. The cancellations led to her being placed on probation and her wages being slashed.The pandemic has led to a huge surge in temporary hiring, according to a report by the National Employment Law Project (NELP) that highlights the struggles many of those workers face.36% of workers reported they or their dependents relied on some form of government assistance while they worked through a staffing agency.24% of workers reported experiencing wage theft through a staffing agency, in which they were paid less than minimum wage, not paid overtime, or not paid the proper amount forhours they worked.17% of workers reported suffering an illness or injury on the job, and 41% of those workers said they had to cover the costs of medical care themselves.24% of temp workers said they have never received safety training prior to beginning a temp position, and 23% said they only sometimes received safety training.80% of workers reported interest in joining a worker organization such as a union to improve working conditions.71% of workers reported experiencing retaliation for raising workplace concerns to their management. Continue reading...


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Fcking retarded moron LJ Lim Swee Suay and  CCBAI JoTeo.

And that PM Lee HL still neVer sack them due to serious negligence!

What are they doing except sleep on the job for so many years?

Why make SG a 3rd WORLD Country?

[Image: Lim-SS-PAP-is-best.png]

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 
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