United States is world's biggest plastic polluter. More than EU & > twice China's

02 Dec 2021 09:42AM
(Updated: 02 Dec 2021 09:42AM)


US contributed around 42 million tonnes in plastic waste in 2016 - more than twice as much as China and more than the countries of the European Union combined


On average, every American generates 130kg of plastic waste per year, with Britain next on the list at 99kg per person per year, followed by South Korea at 88kg per year.


global plastic waste was an "environmental and social crisis" that impacted inland and coastal communities, polluted rivers, lakes and beaches, placed economic burdens on communities, endangered wildlife and contaminated waters that humans depend on for food.


Research has shown nearly a thousand species of marine life are susceptible to plastic entanglement or to ingesting microplastics, which then make their way through the food web back to humans.


This is bad for the world. But you cannot tell Assmerica to do the right thing

It's due to their online shopping culture. Every parcel big or small is packed using lots of plastic bubble bags inside a huge box. You can tell the difference when you receive a parcel from say Amazon US store versus a SG online seller.

USA must be taken to task. Only China can whack them...


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