Ursula von talking


we are in Brussels or here in Strasbourg. This is a core part of our efforts to de-risk through diplomacy – by reducing the space for misunderstanding and miscommunication regardless of how difficult the conversations may be. The point I made in Beijing is that we do not want to cut economic, societal, political and scientific ties. We have many strong links and China is a vital trading partner – our trade represents some EUR 2.3 billion a day. Most of our trade in goods and services remains mutually beneficial. But there is an urgent need to rebalance our relationship on the basis of transparency, predictability and reciprocity. What we want is China to respect the level playing field when it comes to access for our companies to the Chinese market, to respect transparency about subsidies, to respect the intellectual property. And beyond this, we also know that there are some areas where trade and investment poses risks to our economic and national security, particularly in the context of China's explicit fusion of its military and commercial sectors. This is why the central part of our future China strategy must be economic de-risking.

There are four key areas for us to work on which I want to very briefly touch on. The first is taking a critical look at our own resilience and dependency and making our own economy and industry more competitive and more resilient. This is the work we have been doing together – you know it, it began in the investment in the green and the digital through NextGenerationEU, to the pillars of our industrial policy and the landmark Acts – you know them too –, it is the Chips Act, it is the Critical Raw Materials Act and it is the Net-Zero Industry Act. And Leaders signed up to it in Versailles during the French Presidency. So now we must keep strengthening our resilience and sovereignty in key areas – you know them all –, it is energy, it is health and pharmaceutical products, it is food security, but also of course when it comes to our defence capabilities.

The second point is becoming bolder and better at using our existing trade defence instruments. We have given ourselves the right tools to deal with security concerns and economic distortions. So we must be more assertive in using them when we need them. And I want to take this opportunity to thank the Parliament for its leadership in agreeing on the new anti-coercion instrument just a few weeks ago.

The third element is the need to look at where we need to work on new tools for some critical sectors. We need to ensure that our companies' capital, their expertise, their knowledge are not used to enhance the military and intelligence capabilities of those who are also our systemic rivals. That cannot be. So we have to look at where there are gaps in our toolbox which allow the leakage of emerging and sensitive technologies through investments in other countries. This is why we are currently reflecting on if – and how – Europe should develop an instrument on outbound investment for a very small number but very sensitive technologies. This will form part of a new Economic Security Strategy which the Commission will put forward in the coming months.

The fourth principle is cooperation with partners, whether on economic security or on trade – whether with partners we are close to in the G7 or with those with whom we have looser ties but some shared interests. This will be a core part of diversification and the strengthening of the resilience of our supply chains to reduce our own vulnerabilities.

Honourable Members,

Speech by President von der Leyen at the European Parliament Plenary on the need for a coherent strategy for EU-China relations
Mr President,


Dear Josep,

Honourable Members,

During my trip to China this month, I was fortunate to be in Beijing on the day of the Qingming Festival – one of the most traditional Chinese holidays. It is a day to honour and pay respect to past generations. And it is part of the very rich history and culture of China that certainly fascinates and captures the imagination of people all around the world. Seeing this country again first hand only reinforced my deep admiration and respect for the people of China. For centuries they have helped to shape world civilization. And in the last decades, they have really transformed the economy of their country, lifting more than 800 million people out of poverty in the last 45 years. We should never lose sight of the magnitude of this transformation into a modern-day economic powerhouse, key global player and a leader in many of the cutting-edge technologies that will certainly shape the next decades of global civilization and progress. This international and economic status – as well as our own interests – make it all the more important for Europe to manage its relations with China. For me, that also shows that decoupling is clearly not viable, desirable or even practical for Europe. But as I said back in January and as I set out in more detail a few weeks ago, there is clearly a need for Europe to work on de-risking some important and sensitive parts of our relationship. So de-risking but not decoupling


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