Using melatonin for sleep has harmful potential and little reward

By Sandee LaMotte, CNN
Updated 1826 GMT (0226 HKT) February 1, 2022


Melatonin has been linked to headache, dizziness, nausea, stomach cramps, drowsiness, confusion or disorientation, irritability and mild anxiety, depression and tremors, as well as abnormally low blood pressure. It can also interact with common medications and trigger allergies.


Because it is purchased over the counter, experts say many people view melatonin as an herbal supplement or vitamin. In reality, melatonin is a hormone made by the pineal gland, located deep within the brain, and released into the bloodstream to regulate the body's sleep cycles.

"There is a view that if it's natural, then it can't hurt," Robbins told CNN in a prior interview on the impact of melatonin on children. "The truth is, we just really don't know the implications of melatonin in the longer term, for adults or kids."


"When adults took melatonin, it decreased the amount of time it took them to fall asleep by four to eight minutes," Dr. Cora Collette Breuner, a professor in the department of pediatrics at Seattle Children's Hospital at the University of Washington, told CNN last March.

"So for someone who takes hours to fall asleep, probably the better thing for them to do is turn off their screens, or get 20 to 40 minutes of exercise each day, or don't drink any caffeinated products at all," Breuner said.

Much better to read full article for those with difficulties in getting to sleep:

Insomnia is mostly psychological

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