Anger over CNN encroachment at massacre scene in Thailand


BANGKOK - The Thai Journalists Association (TJA) has asked government agencies to explain if a CNN media crew was invited to film from the scene of the Nong Bua Lamphu nursery massacre on Saturday.

CNN has been accused of encroaching on the crime scene in Uthai Sawan district, where a former police officer had launched a gun and knife attack that left 36 dead, including 24 young children.

The CNN broadcast went viral online amid controversy over how the outlet gained access to the scene.

Mr Teeranai Charuvastra, TJA vice-president for Press Freedom and Media Reform, said the association had received a flood of complaints that the CNN crew had invaded the crime scene, where police were posted to bar people from entering.

He condemned CNN's move as a violation of journalistic ethics that could trigger copycat behaviour by other media outlets.


Assistant National Police chief Surachate Hakparn said Nong Bua Lamphu police station has been ordered to investigate the case.

He added that police had not allowed CNN to enter the crime scene as doing so could interfere with evidence inside.

He said the CNN crew could be liable to five years in jail if found guilty of encroaching on the crime scene and interfering with evidence.

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