I also post crap Josh Tan video like SGBUTT, Bought A Condo At Age25?!


Why he so worry for that fellow so rush to buy

people maybe got rich parents what , end of the story.

People wanna throw money to property agents , developer is their problem.

my thoughts,

So I watch finish , this SG BUTT fav Josh Tan , I don't watch just happen to see this video he want to comment on a grad invest so call on a condo.

Well this time he speak logic which the same as what i feel.

but one thing , end of the video . I somehow some points agreed with him some don't .... He claim current his home is 2nd home , and he feel this current gen when they going to buy their first home will not be last home , so no need to spend so much on renovation. Well this is correct BUT this is why " So expensive come HDB at resale market " Everyone want to flip for BIG Profits same apply for condo which that grad he comment.

the article already mention he buy the condo is to FLIP for profits.

but Josh comment he might be losing money . Which is quite true

summary As usual these so call Financial guru are " hypocrites " Smile you say this and that but you are doing the same.

Daniel Heng is an advisor for HNW people, earning 20k per month. Josh Tan is a low-end advisor with half-baked analyses on Youtube. Why is he even dissing the other guy?

(19-09-2023, 02:46 PM)starbugs Wrote:  Daniel Heng is an advisor for HNW people, earning 20k per month. Josh Tan is a low-end advisor with half-baked analyses on Youtube. Why is he even dissing the other guy?

He comment base on the article ,

This Daniel Heng claim earn 20k per month ? still a grad? but he do honestly mention borrow 100k from parents to buy this condo.

I mean , if he can earn 20k per month why need to borrow money from his parents? Just because he spotted a " will be profitable condo around orchard " ? so rush to buy but noticed don't have enough so borrow 100k from parents. ?

Smile this is why I comment in the first place,

Why he so worry for that fellow so rush to buy

people maybe got rich parents what , end of the story.

People wanna throw money to property agents , developer is their problem.

This grad got suck in a " rabbit hole " good mah , More people on debts, loans , better Smile

Sgbuffet has lots of weird idols, including Handbag Loo Loo. Everybody aspires to good quality condos, but this half baked ex Singtel guy went to buy a JB house and has since been losing money due to the currency depreciation all the way Laughing

Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine Big Grin

(19-09-2023, 03:00 PM)p1acebo Wrote:  Sgbuffet has lots of weird idols, including Handbag Loo Loo. Everybody aspires to good quality condos, but this half baked ex Singtel guy went to buy a JB house and has since been losing money due to the currency depreciation all the way Laughing

that Loo is a joke . I think he pay that media promote his life , blah blah is a Millionaire but stay in HDB , humble guy etc
so call using CPF and his seminar origin is due to CPF , promote , talk about CPF and do note he is the First non civil servant take a public awards

His site also show he take photo with CCS , tharman many years back.

This is why I feel ??? He promote CPF , so call max your SA , become Millionaire , and EPIC why go JB buy landed house ?

more EPIC claim so expensive to buy medicine , milk power in SG , go JB buy so cheap.

Yes I know this is so call " spend Wisely , save money " Is nothing wrong Smile even come Business owner, Investors , Saving and spend wisely are always the top agenda too beside earn Profits.

Summary this Loo also selling

LOL More epic, He claim I ya russia war will end soon will not last long BUT HEY , look now ? This Ukraine , Russia war already last nearly two years soon more even

Haus on handy much better, just behind plaza singapura, and ready to move in

This one smaller, quite far from main road and unsafe at night for young gals, top 2030

(19-09-2023, 03:07 PM)WhatDoYouThink! Wrote:  Haus on handy much better, just behind plaza singapura, and ready to move in

This one smaller, quite far from main road and unsafe at night for young gals, top 2030

I don't even know that condo, is this crap Josh Show in the video

than I see , the location is not say good. What he say a bit right in the sense you need a car more better if you stay there.
for me is ULU places no doubt so call " within Orchard road "

(19-09-2023, 03:06 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote:  that Loo is a joke . I think he pay that media promote his life , blah blah is a Millionaire but stay in HDB , humble guy etc
so call using CPF and his seminar origin is due to CPF , promote , talk about CPF and do note he is the First non civil servant take a public awards

His site also show he take photo with CCS , tharman many years back.

This is why I feel ??? He promote CPF , so call max your SA , become Millionaire , and EPIC why go JB buy landed house ?

more EPIC claim so expensive to buy medicine , milk power in SG , go JB buy so cheap.

Yes I know this is so call " spend Wisely , save money " Is nothing wrong Smile even come Business owner, Investors , Saving and spend wisely are always the top agenda too beside earn Profits.

Summary this Loo also selling

LOL More epic, He claim I ya russia war will end soon will not last long BUT HEY , look now ? This Ukraine , Russia war already last nearly two years soon more even

Handbag loo or toilet loo recently made a remark which had angered some ppl. He said something like to becum rich, one must stay away from poor friends who often harbor negative thoughts... very yaya right?

(19-09-2023, 03:15 PM)WhatDoYouThink! Wrote:  Handbag loo or toilet loo recently made a remark which had angered some ppl. He said something like to becum rich, one must stay away from poor friends who often harbor negative thoughts... very yaya right?

Lol I don’t even watch his crap video u still watch ???

He is purposely one rah
To get more views ,
Viral , just like that crap Wang L Fb seller create saga etc to make his video go viral

In return more stupid buyers

(19-09-2023, 03:18 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote:  Lol I don’t even watch his crap video u still watch ???

He is purposely one rah
To get more views ,
Viral , just like that crap Wang L Fb seller create saga etc to make his video go viral

In return more stupid buyers

Normally I dun watch, but that video entitled how to becum rich or something like that, thought might be useful for pdf lksmlj. But there is nothing useful.

even president likes to stay in hdb in yisun. what talk you??

(19-09-2023, 03:34 PM)Bigbluedot Wrote:  even president likes to stay in hdb in yisun. what talk you??

Suspect she now stay in landed house
Yishun one for her relative or so

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