Verdict is out. Sinovac is useless. HK statistic very bad..

(20-03-2022, 06:18 PM)kokee Wrote:  covid start from wuhan china, will end in china too, so china will be the last to get out of covid due to china made vaccine.
good luck to those had sinvac & sinopharm, also lianhua wenqing, be careful it will disable liver, these few are push hard by comie here.
sick better to go to see doctor to confirm.


[Image: fang.jpg]

Why argue until the kingdom come? It is already known previously from the Malaysian and Singapore statistics that Sinovac and also Sinopharm is not as good as other vaccines. Hong Kong's statistics just reconfirmed it.
Picture from:

[Image: image.png]
[+] 3 users Like revealer's post

(21-03-2022, 12:06 AM)Sentinel Wrote:  I dun know wat u blabbering, do you hv prove that all who died in HKG and SG are due to Sinovac and unvax??

Dun hv right? So what cockshit gibberish u trying to instigate and imply here leh?

Did you read the article. Dont have right? Read already come back then talk. dont waste my time.

And shockingly you claim you are covid expert, but dont know Singapore already more than a fifth got covid.  Did you even know the death rate of both countries? Dont know? Please find out. It is published. Very easy to pull out. 

And please do more research on orthodox places. Not dubious websites.

Enuf said.

(21-03-2022, 07:27 AM)guffaw Wrote:  Did you read the article. Dont have right? Read already come back then talk. dont waste my time.

And shockingly you claim you are covid expert, but dont know Singapore already more than a fifth got covid.  Did you even know the death rate of both countries? Dont know? Please find out. It is published. Very easy to pull out. 

And please do more research on orthodox places. Not dubious websites.

Enuf said.

If you hv sone critical thinking in you, you will see the truths in all this vaccination brainwashing when clearly, jab already, even with booster, still can catch Covid, still can die

But between mRNA and Inactivated, the choice is clear!

The former has 1,000 side effects that can fill up 9 pages of the document while Inactivated like Sinovac and Sinopharm are more widely used globally in more countries and these countries combined do not even able to take up lumber 1 spot that is reserved for mRNA brainwashed USA, with 1 million deaths, champion ok and SG has the highest infected per 100,000 and also lumber 1 spot globally, like your Amdk impotent what more proof and research do you need har??

[+] 1 user Likes Sentinel's post

5000 deaths out of 1000,000 cases and u say useless?

i think u brain is equally useless

Folks here alway say HK under CCP rule got no freedom.

But HK folks are allowed to be unvaccinated without fear of not able to go in a mall, sit and eat at the local cafe, cannot send yr kids to tuition or childcare in malls and most of all, the fear of losing your job.

But of coz, don't take vaccine and die, too bad it's their choice.

1. I have served the nation in a combat unit for 2.5 + 10 years. I had fulfilled my duty as a citizen, but has the country do it's part for me?
2. I don't know where the threat of CCP is, but I know the threat of CECA is already at my doorsteps
3. I had been called a CCP, JHK, Pinoy, but they never called me a CECA..
[+] 1 user Likes ArielCasper's post

(20-03-2022, 05:58 PM)lionkingch55 Wrote:  Confirmation of a long known fact.sinovac is an inferior vaccine.

This is Bloomberg report from no source "Without disclosing sources".   

It means it is own created fake news. Rotfl Rotfl Rotfl Laughing Laughing Laughing     

See the real examples of Singapore of 100,000 people who took Sinovac and in China. Look at Winter Olympic the way it had controlled the virus condition.   

[Image: Vaccine03.png]
[+] 1 user Likes webinarian's post

(21-03-2022, 08:35 AM)webinarian Wrote:  
This is Bloomberg report from no source "Without disclosing sources".   

It means it is own created fake news. Rotfl Rotfl Rotfl Laughing Laughing Laughing     

See the real examples of Singapore of 100,000 people who took Sinovac and in China. Look at Winter Olympic the way it had controlled the virus condition.   

[Image: Vaccine03.png]

Without disclosing the source is to protect the source mah!
[+] 1 user Likes lionkingch55's post

(21-03-2022, 07:58 AM)Sentinel Wrote:  If you hv sone critical thinking in you, you will see the truths in all this vaccination brainwashing when clearly, jab already, even with booster, still can catch Covid, still can die

But between mRNA and Inactivated, the choice is clear!

The former has 1,000 side effects that can fill up 9 pages of the document while Inactivated like Sinovac and Sinopharm are more widely used globally in more countries and these countries combined do not even able to take up lumber 1 spot that is reserved for mRNA brainwashed USA, with 1 million deaths, champion ok and SG has the highest infected per 100,000 and also lumber 1 spot globally, like your Amdk impotent what more proof and research do you need har??


Nobody say take vaccine will not get covid. But data everywhere show that taking vaccine will reduce the death rate and serious cases of covid. This is really indisputable. If you don't trust the data then too bad. I trust the research data more than random people of communist forum. And data show the death rate of mrna vaccine lower than China vaccine, and China vaccine lower than unvax people. No need to argue about this. You don't believe is up to you. 

You want to talk about side effect, if you are scary cat, can don't take. You can balance your own risk, side effect vs serious covid or death. Or maybe you are lucky is totally fine too. Is all up to you. Nearly all Singaporean took mrna vaccine, we are now as open as we want to, economy is functioning perfectly, death rate is low, where hk has super high death rate and China is ongoing serious lockdown.

And if you want to compare sinovac and mrna virus, just compare singapore and HK, see how bad Hong Kong is now. They will be forced to open up for business and death rate will climb even more. Basically people don't even trust sinovac there the vaccine rate is so low.

And in China where many are already vax with sinovac, the CCP also don't have the guts to open up. Why? A country cannot lockdown forever. Social, economic progress will stall. Think critically, don't self claim You are vaccine or covid expert after consuming conspiracy websites and China propaganda demonizing non China vaccines, you are not even close.

(20-03-2022, 05:56 PM)guffaw Wrote:

At least they died from virus.  

If take mRNA, they died from vaccine. Worse.   

[Image: Vaccine32.jpg]

[Image: Vaccine32-3.jpg]
[+] 2 users Like webinarian's post

(21-03-2022, 08:42 AM)webinarian Wrote:  
At least they died from virus.  

If take mRNA, they died from vaccine. Worse.   

[Image: Vaccine32.jpg]

[Image: Vaccine32-3.jpg]

Stop posting fake news.

Heng I took Sinopharm with zero side effects and zero contact with virus.


(21-03-2022, 08:41 AM)guffaw Wrote:  Nobody say take vaccine will not get covid. But data everywhere show that taking vaccine will reduce the death rate and serious cases of covid. This is really indisputable. If you don't trust the data then too bad. I trust the research data more than random people of communist forum. And data show the death rate of mrna vaccine lower than China vaccine, and China vaccine lower than unvax people. No need to argue about this. You don't believe is up to you. 

You want to talk about side effect, if you are scary cat, can don't take. You can balance your own risk, side effect vs serious covid or death. Or maybe you are lucky is totally fine too. Is all up to you. Nearly all Singaporean took mrna vaccine, we are now as open as we want to, economy is functioning perfectly, death rate is low, where hk has super high death rate and China is ongoing serious lockdown.

And if you want to compare sinovac and mrna virus, just compare singapore and HK, see how bad Hong Kong is now. They will be forced to open up for business and death rate will climb even more. Basically people don't even trust sinovac there the vaccine rate is so low.

And in China where many are already vax with sinovac, the CCP also don't have the guts to open up. Why? A country cannot lockdown forever. Social, economic progress will stall. Think critically, don't self claim You are vaccine or covid expert after consuming conspiracy websites and China propaganda demonizing non China vaccines, you are not even close.

Your lack of critical thinking is so glaring, I really don't know where to begin with you

Everything you just wrote can be thrashed and thrown out the fking window without too much effort

I just like to close this post with just one comment here and below: Most of those in HKG who are jabbed, they jabbed mRNA, and so it is proven that mRNA only retains antibodies for at most 4 to 6 months, so once the 6 mths is up, these morons can get infected and they did

For those who died in HKG, most are from nursing homes where the older folks will easily die anyway even if caught a common cold or flu, due to their frail conditions and coming of age

Perhaps, even if they are jabbed, they will also be seroiusly ill and die, same same, jab or no jab, no diff

So, this notion that those who jab will not be seriously ill is just HOGWASH!!! What fark data you talking about? ALL LIES!!!


Here goes:

Do you remember the migrant workers outbreak in the dorms last year? Before any vaccines were developed and endorsed for use under EUL?

If my memory did not fail me, Jos Teo and MOH tested 150,000 migrant workers in all the dorms and using PCR (before ART was even invented), it was found that about 50,000 or more of the migrant workers were infected with COVID 19

There was no vaccines to give them, NOTHING. After 3 months of testing all the migrant workers, and spending loads of taxpayers money on the PCR and isolation and food management, none of these 50,000 ended up in hospital to require ICU and Oxygen supplementation except perhaps only 1 bangladeshi worker who caught the virus in Mustafa

Then this whole 50,000 or more infected migrant workers miraculously recovered on their own without any need for vaccine or hospitalization or whatever MOH vaccine shit

This whole DORM outbreak and the miraculously disappearing virus with only 1 death or so out of 50,000 were categorically hushed hushed up and no one mention it at all anymore in the press or anywhere else because this will reveal the whole vaccination scam without a shadow of a doubt, but unfortunately for these vaccine scammers, Big Pharma and MOH and the equally stupig blind PAP asslickers like you, those with critical thinking like me said: AHA! GOTCHA!

Ok, enuff of spoon-feeding you, YOU ARE ON YOUR OWN from now on, ONCE A FOOL, YOU'LL ALWAYS BE A FOOL!!

I'll let Darwin take care of your silly, moronic kind, let him cull your defective kind, waste of oxygen and space on this Earth, really!
[+] 1 user Likes Sentinel's post

(21-03-2022, 09:46 AM)Sentinel Wrote:  Your lack of critical thinking is so glaring, I really don't know where to begin with you

Everything you just wrote can be thrashed and thrown out the fking window without too much effort

I just like to close this post with just one comment here and below: Most of those in HKG who are jabbed, they jabbed mRNA, and so it is proven that mRNA only retains antibodies for at most 4 to 6 months, so once the 6 mths is up, these morons can get infected and they did

For those who died in HKG, most are from nursing homes where the older folks will easily die anyway even if caught a common cold or flu, due to their frail conditions and coming of age

Perhaps, even if they are jabbed, they will also be seroiusly ill and die, same same, jab or no jab, no diff

So, this notion that those who jab will not be seriously ill is just HOGWASH!!! What fark data you talking about? ALL LIES!!!


Here goes:

Do you remember the migrant workers outbreak in the dorms last year? Before any vaccines were developed and endorsed for use under EUL?

If my memory did not fail me, Jos Teo and MOH tested 150,000 migrant workers in all the dorms and using PCR (before ART was even invented), it was found that about 50,000 or more of the migrant workers were infected with COVID 19

There was no vaccines to give them, NOTHING. After 3 months of testing all the migrant workers, and spending loads of taxpayers money on the PCR and isolation and food management, none of these 50,000 ended up in hospital to require ICU and Oxygen supplementation except perhaps only 1 bangladeshi worker who caught the virus in Mustafa

Then this whole 50,000 or more infected migrant workers miraculously recovered on their own without any need for vaccine or hospitalization or whatever MOH vaccine shit

This whole DORM outbreak and the miraculously disappearing virus with only 1 death or so out of 50,000 were categorically hushed hushed up and no one mention it at all anymore in the press or anywhere else because this will reveal the whole vaccination scam without a shadow of a doubt, but unfortunately for these vaccine scammers, Big Pharma and MOH and the equally stupig blind PAP asslickers like you, those with critical thinking like me said: AHA! GOTCHA!

Ok, enuff of spoon-feeding you, YOU ARE ON YOUR OWN from now on, ONCE A FOOL, YOU'LL ALWAYS BE A FOOL!!

I'll let Darwin take care of your silly, moronic kind, let him cull your defective kind, waste of oxygen and space on this Earth, really!

Your first statement is already wrong.

Like you say, let Darwin take care of your foolishness

[Image: Screenshot-20220321-095652-Chrome.jpg]

(21-03-2022, 09:46 AM)Sentinel Wrote:  Your lack of critical thinking is so glaring, I really don't know where to begin with you

Everything you just wrote can be thrashed and thrown out the fking window without too much effort

I just like to close this post with just one comment here and below: Most of those in HKG who are jabbed, they jabbed mRNA, and so it is proven that mRNA only retains antibodies for at most 4 to 6 months, so once the 6 mths is up, these morons can get infected and they did

For those who died in HKG, most are from nursing homes where the older folks will easily die anyway even if caught a common cold or flu, due to their frail conditions and coming of age

Perhaps, even if they are jabbed, they will also be seroiusly ill and die, same same, jab or no jab, no diff

So, this notion that those who jab will not be seriously ill is just HOGWASH!!! What fark data you talking about? ALL LIES!!!


Here goes:

Do you remember the migrant workers outbreak in the dorms last year? Before any vaccines were developed and endorsed for use under EUL?

If my memory did not fail me, Jos Teo and MOH tested 150,000 migrant workers in all the dorms and using PCR (before ART was even invented), it was found that about 50,000 or more of the migrant workers were infected with COVID 19

There was no vaccines to give them, NOTHING. After 3 months of testing all the migrant workers, and spending loads of taxpayers money on the PCR and isolation and food management, none of these 50,000 ended up in hospital to require ICU and Oxygen supplementation except perhaps only 1 bangladeshi worker who caught the virus in Mustafa

Then this whole 50,000 or more infected migrant workers miraculously recovered on their own without any need for vaccine or hospitalization or whatever MOH vaccine shit

This whole DORM outbreak and the miraculously disappearing virus with only 1 death or so out of 50,000 were categorically hushed hushed up and no one mention it at all anymore in the press or anywhere else because this will reveal the whole vaccination scam without a shadow of a doubt, but unfortunately for these vaccine scammers, Big Pharma and MOH and the equally stupig blind PAP asslickers like you, those with critical thinking like me said: AHA! GOTCHA!

Ok, enuff of spoon-feeding you, YOU ARE ON YOUR OWN from now on, ONCE A FOOL, YOU'LL ALWAYS BE A FOOL!!

I'll let Darwin take care of your silly, moronic kind, let him cull your defective kind, waste of oxygen and space on this Earth, really!

And this part is really your brain hallucinating. Singapore has more than a fifth of people got covid. And they include old people too. And the death rate is so much lower. 


For those who died in HKG, most are from nursing homes where the older folks will easily die anyway even if caught a common cold or flu, due to their frail conditions and coming of age

(21-03-2022, 09:46 AM)Sentinel Wrote:  Your lack of critical thinking is so glaring, I really don't know where to begin with you

Everything you just wrote can be thrashed and thrown out the fking window without too much effort

I just like to close this post with just one comment here and below: Most of those in HKG who are jabbed, they jabbed mRNA, and so it is proven that mRNA only retains antibodies for at most 4 to 6 months, so once the 6 mths is up, these morons can get infected and they did

For those who died in HKG, most are from nursing homes where the older folks will easily die anyway even if caught a common cold or flu, due to their frail conditions and coming of age

Perhaps, even if they are jabbed, they will also be seroiusly ill and die, same same, jab or no jab, no diff

So, this notion that those who jab will not be seriously ill is just HOGWASH!!! What fark data you talking about? ALL LIES!!!


Here goes:

Do you remember the migrant workers outbreak in the dorms last year? Before any vaccines were developed and endorsed for use under EUL?

If my memory did not fail me, Jos Teo and MOH tested 150,000 migrant workers in all the dorms and using PCR (before ART was even invented), it was found that about 50,000 or more of the migrant workers were infected with COVID 19

There was no vaccines to give them, NOTHING. After 3 months of testing all the migrant workers, and spending loads of taxpayers money on the PCR and isolation and food management, none of these 50,000 ended up in hospital to require ICU and Oxygen supplementation except perhaps only 1 bangladeshi worker who caught the virus in Mustafa

Then this whole 50,000 or more infected migrant workers miraculously recovered on their own without any need for vaccine or hospitalization or whatever MOH vaccine shit

This whole DORM outbreak and the miraculously disappearing virus with only 1 death or so out of 50,000 were categorically hushed hushed up and no one mention it at all anymore in the press or anywhere else because this will reveal the whole vaccination scam without a shadow of a doubt, but unfortunately for these vaccine scammers, Big Pharma and MOH and the equally stupig blind PAP asslickers like you, those with critical thinking like me said: AHA! GOTCHA!

Ok, enuff of spoon-feeding you, YOU ARE ON YOUR OWN from now on, ONCE A FOOL, YOU'LL ALWAYS BE A FOOL!!

I'll let Darwin take care of your silly, moronic kind, let him cull your defective kind, waste of oxygen and space on this Earth, really!

And since you say all data are lies... There is nothing to discuss with you anymore. You can believe in conspiracy theories since mainstream data are lies. I am sorry I do not indulge with you on conspiracy data


So, this notion that those who jab will not be seriously ill is just HOGWASH!!! What fark data you talking about? ALL LIES!

(21-03-2022, 09:58 AM)guffaw Wrote:  Your first statement is already wrong.

Like you say, let Darwin take care of your foolishness

[Image: Screenshot-20220321-095652-Chrome.jpg]

Already told you a few times

Using dubious data and press articles from 2 anti-Sinovac countries (SG and HKG) is just so low ball rig that only an abject fool will rely on such bias and dubious data to form the basis of any critical thinking

I rest my case since you have no other sensible and logical rebuttal to the rest of my post

(21-03-2022, 09:46 AM)Sentinel Wrote:  Your lack of critical thinking is so glaring, I really don't know where to begin with you

Everything you just wrote can be thrashed and thrown out the fking window without too much effort

I just like to close this post with just one comment here and below: Most of those in HKG who are jabbed, they jabbed mRNA, and so it is proven that mRNA only retains antibodies for at most 4 to 6 months, so once the 6 mths is up, these morons can get infected and they did

For those who died in HKG, most are from nursing homes where the older folks will easily die anyway even if caught a common cold or flu, due to their frail conditions and coming of age

Perhaps, even if they are jabbed, they will also be seroiusly ill and die, same same, jab or no jab, no diff

So, this notion that those who jab will not be seriously ill is just HOGWASH!!! What fark data you talking about? ALL LIES!!!


Here goes:

Do you remember the migrant workers outbreak in the dorms last year? Before any vaccines were developed and endorsed for use under EUL?

If my memory did not fail me, Jos Teo and MOH tested 150,000 migrant workers in all the dorms and using PCR (before ART was even invented), it was found that about 50,000 or more of the migrant workers were infected with COVID 19

There was no vaccines to give them, NOTHING. After 3 months of testing all the migrant workers, and spending loads of taxpayers money on the PCR and isolation and food management, none of these 50,000 ended up in hospital to require ICU and Oxygen supplementation except perhaps only 1 bangladeshi worker who caught the virus in Mustafa

Then this whole 50,000 or more infected migrant workers miraculously recovered on their own without any need for vaccine or hospitalization or whatever MOH vaccine shit

This whole DORM outbreak and the miraculously disappearing virus with only 1 death or so out of 50,000 were categorically hushed hushed up and no one mention it at all anymore in the press or anywhere else because this will reveal the whole vaccination scam without a shadow of a doubt, but unfortunately for these vaccine scammers, Big Pharma and MOH and the equally stupig blind PAP asslickers like you, those with critical thinking like me said: AHA! GOTCHA!

Ok, enuff of spoon-feeding you, YOU ARE ON YOUR OWN from now on, ONCE A FOOL, YOU'LL ALWAYS BE A FOOL!!

I'll let Darwin take care of your silly, moronic kind, let him cull your defective kind, waste of oxygen and space on this Earth, really!

And I guess what you are implying is covid don't even exist. Well done. Bye for now. Good luck. 


This whole DORM outbreak and the miraculously disappearing virus with only 1 death or so out of 50,000 were categorically hushed hushed up and no one mention it at all anymore in the press or anywhere else because this will reveal the whole vaccination scam without a shadow of a doubt, but unfortunately for these vaccine scammers, Big Pharma and MOH and the equally stupig blind PAP asslickers like you, those with critical thinking like me said: AHA! GOTCHA!

(21-03-2022, 10:02 AM)guffaw Wrote:  And since you say all data are lies... There is nothing to discuss with you anymore. You can believe in conspiracy theories since mainstream data are lies. I am sorry I do not indulge with you on conspiracy data


So, this notion that those who jab will not be seriously ill is just HOGWASH!!! What fark data you talking about? ALL LIES!
You are the one full of conspiracy theories, BUT I have all the conspiracy FACTS!

You using massaged and rigged data from countries that are well known to be anti Sinovac and you still have the cheek and audacity to stack your lies here??

(21-03-2022, 10:02 AM)Sentinel Wrote:  Already told you a few times

Using dubious data and press articles from 2 anti-Sinovac countries (SG and HKG) is just so low ball rig that only an abject fool will rely on such bias and dubious data to form the basis of any critical thinking

I rest my case since you have no other sensible and logical rebuttal to the rest of my post

Ok, the summary of our discussion. You disagree with everything because all official data are fake. Mainstream research are fake. It is conspiracy out there.. Got it.

(21-03-2022, 10:05 AM)Sentinel Wrote:  You are the one full of conspiracy theories, BUT I have all the conspiracy FACTS!

You using massaged and rigged data from countries that are well known to be anti Sinovac and you still have the cheek and audacity to stack your lies here??

Ok ok.. Only you singlehandedly have the true data out there. All other data are fake. I got it. Thank you for your enlightenment.

(21-03-2022, 10:04 AM)guffaw Wrote:  And I guess what you are implying is covid don't even exist. Well done. Bye for now. Good luck. 


This whole DORM outbreak and the miraculously disappearing virus with only 1 death or so out of 50,000 were categorically hushed hushed up and no one mention it at all anymore in the press or anywhere else because this will reveal the whole vaccination scam without a shadow of a doubt, but unfortunately for these vaccine scammers, Big Pharma and MOH and the equally stupig blind PAP asslickers like you, those with critical thinking like me said: AHA! GOTCHA!

As you have no sensible and logical rebuttal to the Dorm migrant Covid miraculous recovery, and no rebuttal to the rest of my post, I will rest my case and let you cry about it

(21-03-2022, 10:09 AM)Sentinel Wrote:  As you have no sensible and logical rebuttal to the Dorm migrant Covid miraculous recovery, and no rebuttal to the rest of my post, I will rest my case and let you cry about it

Nothing to rebutt about right? Every mainstream data is fake. Every mainstream peer review research is fake. Even the 50000 data should be fake too as they are mainstream data.

(21-03-2022, 10:08 AM)guffaw Wrote:  Ok ok.. Only you singlehandedly have the true data out there. All other data are fake. I got it. Thank you for your enlightenment.

I don't need much data to get to the whole truth, but for all data I use, I run it through my critical thinking process before either using them or throw them out as HOGWASH!!

What you presented here are from these press articles that are clearly bias anti-Sinovac HOGWASH!!

Good luck in your continued blurness, Darwin is laughing to the bank with numbskulls like your kind....LOL

(21-03-2022, 10:13 AM)Sentinel Wrote:  I don't need much data to get to the whole truth, but for all data I use, I run it through my critical thinking process before either using them or throw them out as HOGWASH!!

What you presented here are from these press articles that are clearly bias anti-Sinovac HOGWASH!!

Good luck in your continued blurness, Darwin is laughing to the bank with numbskulls like your kind....LOL

We will see who has the last laugh. But please don't call yourself covid expert anymore. It makes you sound like a scammer.

(21-03-2022, 10:12 AM)guffaw Wrote:  Nothing to rebutt about right? Every mainstream data is fake. Every mainstream peer review research is fake. Even the 50000 data should be fake too as they are mainstream data.

I never said that every MS data is fake, I don't believe in extrapolation using frivolous data unless I have good thorough data to back it up, unlike you....using any dubious data for dont know what hidden sinister agenda that you are trying to sow here

(21-03-2022, 10:13 AM)Sentinel Wrote:  I don't need much data to get to the whole truth, but for all data I use, I run it through my critical thinking process before either using them or throw them out as HOGWASH!!

What you presented here are from these press articles that are clearly bias anti-Sinovac HOGWASH!!

Good luck in your continued blurness, Darwin is laughing to the bank with numbskulls like your kind....LOL

Yes, your analysis is top notch, with top notch lack of data to analyze to get the top notch analysis based on air. 
Well done.

(21-03-2022, 10:16 AM)Sentinel Wrote:  I never said that every MS data is fake, I don't believe in extrapolation using frivolous data unless I have good thorough data to back it up, unlike you....using any dubious data for dont know what hidden sinister agenda that you are trying to sow here

Ok ok, I think I summarize your points very well already. I don't think you dispute my summary.

(21-03-2022, 10:16 AM)guffaw Wrote:  We will see who has the last laugh. But please don't call yourself covid expert anymore. It makes you sound like a scammer.

I don't just read off the press articles and agree to any shit conclusions written by the writer of any article, unlike you, swallowing hook, line and sinker any shit the writer wrote

I bet you don't even know the name of the writer when you cut and paste his article over here, cross your heart and hope to die!

(21-03-2022, 10:20 AM)Sentinel Wrote:  I don't just read off the press articles and agree to any shit conclusions written by the writer of any article, unlike you, swallowing hook, line and sinker any shit the writer wrote

I bet you don't even know the name of the writer when you cut and paste his article over here, cross your heart and hope to die!

Ok ok, you disagree with all mainstream data, analysis and research because they are all fake. I get you.

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