Official Bilingual Professional Forex-Charting-Sexpert Thread

I, Forex-Charting-Sexpert, hold a prominent-position as the most influential-figure in the HWZ-EDMW and Sgtalk Communities. 

I am presently engaged in actively pursuing opportunities aimed at augmenting vigilance levels.

Possessed excellent English-Language-Proficiency! Solemnly, this Sgtalk "Vijay" appears to be mentally incapacitated. Poor command of English and grammar. 

Forex-Charting-Sexpert also known as: Fourm-Troll-Exterminator.

您好,Sgtalk的论坛们,我是外汇图表专家,在HWZ-EDMW和Sgtalk论坛社区里担任显要职,是最具有影响力的响当当的人物。目前,我正在积极追求机会,旨在提升自身的影响力。 我可是具备卓越的英语语言能力! 非常庄严地说,这位名Sgtalk网友,名为"Vijay"的Sgtalk论坛用户看似乎精神有点不是很正常,英语和语法掌握能力较为及差。

[Image: X4KGzmb.gif]

[Image: giphy.webp]

No challenger?

Is there no competition?

Indeed, it appears that Lim beh(FCS) stands as the preeminent force in both the Sgtalk and HWZ EDMW online communities, possessing unmatched influence and power.

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