Video: Japanese girl in Chengdu

I like Chengdu a lot and have worked there on 3 assignments. It has changed a lot compared to the last time I have been there. Well, it actually kept changing whenever I returned there so that's not really that big a suprise. Most of the locations in the video are new to me except those around 14min to 18:45min. Those locations have changed in terms of decor but the structures remained the same so I can still recognise them.

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Their spoken Chinese is very good, can pass for PRC. I had a Jap friend who went to China with her classmates from Chinese language class. Different nationalities. Kena conned by the locals. She had to negotiate with the scammers for a discount, using her broken Chinese. Sibei jialat.

almost all japan company already move out of china or on the way, they know petty glass heart agitated will become lawless.
japanese girl in chengdu? so nanjing mascare is ok liao? all these commies here.

中日联合民意调查结果: 90%日本人讨厌中国人!

中日联合民意调查结果: 90%日本人讨厌中国人!



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