Seller refuses to give $6,800 refund for fake Chanel bag

Seller refuses to give $6,800 refund for fake Chanel bag as she has 'spent all the money'

A woman purchased a Chanel bag for $6,800 from an online seller — only to realise that the item is likely counterfeit.

Stomper Jesshang said she came across a Carousell listing for the luxury handbag on September 18. The Chanel Jumbo Classic Double Flap Bag was priced at $6,900 by a user known as Jenny.

Preloved bags of the same model cost $8,400 and $12,895 on fashion retailers Style Theory and Farfetch respectively.

According to screenshots shared by Jesshang, the seller said that the bag was authentic and "99% new". She also refused to go lower than $6,800 and the deal was eventually confirmed.

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