WHO : Covid may have begun with Chinese scientist collecting bat samples

A Chinese scientist may have started the pandemic after being infected with coronavirus while collecting bat samples, the head of the World Health Organisation’s investigation has said.

In a documentary released this week by the Danish television channel TV2, Dr Peter Embarek said it was a “likely hypothesis” that a lab employee could have picked up the virus while working in the field.

https://sg.yahoo.com/news/covid-may-begu...47693.html   Angry

how did he pass the virus to many parts of us and italy in early 2019?

So do not any how touch wild animals.





 第二,法国方面要求美方公开解释“2019年美国疾控中心(CDC)突然下令关闭德特里克堡实验室”的真正原因。因为在此之后,美国国内就爆发了大面积的“电子烟肺炎”,这种肺炎的症状和危害被证明与后来爆发的新冠病毒肺炎极其相似。而且部分早期“电子烟肺炎患者”的医疗样本已经被证明他们就是感染了COVID-19 新冠病毒。另外,越来越多的证据指向,美国在2019年10月份就“未卜先知”地举行了“大规模传染病毒疫情扩散”的应对演习,而且将相关信息通报给中东盟友以色列。所以,美国越是不择手段地对外甩锅,外界对德特里克堡实验室的质疑就越强烈。法国人是西方阵营第一个对美国公开发难的,但一定不会是最后一个。

第三,法国敦促美方赔偿遇难者家属和医务人员。这一条是最厉害的要求,而且等于是直接确认了导致席卷全球的新冠病毒肺炎疫情的COVID-19 病毒起源于美国,而且美国隐瞒病毒泄露和对疫情防控不利,充当了新冠病毒的催化剂,给欧洲和世界带来的巨大的灾难。法国团体的请愿书不但代表了欧洲民众的心声,也包含很多美国民众的意愿。在美国国内,要求白宫解密德特里克堡实验室泄露事件内幕的呼声一直不断。内外夹攻,拜登现在面临的压力可想而知。法国的疫情损失极其惨重,索赔款额将是一个巨大的数字。而且美国还将面临后续更多国家的索赔要求。如果说疫情的锅万不得已还可以甩给前任总统特朗普,那么中亚的阿富汗败局无法收场的责任,拜登政府就难以推卸了。从5月初正式宣布并实施撤军计划至今,绝大部分的驻阿美军已经撤离,而与之相对应的是塔利班摧枯拉朽的战略大反攻。

(13-08-2021, 09:31 AM)way Wrote:  A Chinese scientist may have started the pandemic after being infected with coronavirus while collecting bat samples, the head of the World Health Organisation’s investigation has said.

In a documentary released this week by the Danish television channel TV2, Dr Peter Embarek said it was a “likely hypothesis” that a lab employee could have picked up the virus while working in the field.

https://sg.yahoo.com/news/covid-may-begu...47693.html   Angry

Even most angmoh mouthpiece ignored such rubbish.












(13-08-2021, 09:31 AM)way Wrote:  A Chinese scientist may have started the pandemic after being infected with coronavirus while collecting bat samples, the head of the World Health Organisation’s investigation has said.

In a documentary released this week by the Danish television channel TV2, Dr Peter Embarek said it was a “likely hypothesis” that a lab employee could have picked up the virus while working in the field.

https://sg.yahoo.com/news/covid-may-begu...47693.html   Angry

Read Dr David Martin assertion that patents for SAR-Cov 2 is already filed many years before the pandemic.


(13-08-2021, 09:31 AM)way Wrote:  A Chinese scientist may have started the pandemic after being infected with coronavirus while collecting bat samples, the head of the World Health Organisation’s investigation has said.

In a documentary released this week by the Danish television channel TV2, Dr Peter Embarek said it was a “likely hypothesis” that a lab employee could have picked up the virus while working in the field.

https://sg.yahoo.com/news/covid-may-begu...47693.html   Angry

It is not surprise that someone will come up with this theory especially when the Chinese Military initiated action to take over the control of the Wuhan Labs when Covid started to spread.  The story about investigators being forced to produce reports will be treated as speculation until there are more investigators will to testify the same.    Nonetheless,  these "stories" will be dismissed as speculations until there are more evidences proven beyond doubts and admitted by the parties.  Don't think the World Tribunal (if there is one) could settle the count.    End result might a war if there is no mean to control this Covid outbreak.

the bats might hv gotten the virus from somewhere else, could be one of the notorious 200+ bio warfar labs owned and managed by you know who

I think WHO is trying to help China by reducing the severity of accusations it leak from lab.

Here they are blaming it on a bat that passed it to scientist at the cave. ...rather than lapses at the lab.

I think the bat to scientist theory is less likely ...the disease direct from bat is unlikely to be so infectious as it has no time to mutate in the human.
It has to circulate long enough to mutate and produce an infectious strain.

Just like Delta variant...it circulate many thousands of generation in humans then the strain is produced.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

Witch-hunting again?

There was a theory that USA was developing SARS bioweapons. The French and Chinese were developing counter measures in Wuhan.

Then USA launched the attack during the friendly military games by spreading in the community. USA did not expect China to take drastic move to lockdown the entire country. China bounced back with the vaccine very quickly co developing with Russia. Almost same time they started vaccinating their military followed by general population.

USA did not expect the backfire, so they work with Israel scientist to push mRNA to try to control again. USA also never expect their killswitch not to work and the virus mutated much quickly than expected. Notice all the inactivated vaccine kind of got stalled by USA? USA ofc could be a cover cos there are strong hands behind the scene.

It's a sad episode for human kind, may well be the last episode if this depopulation agenda goes full speed... It's a sick plan to remove humans, although I do agree that humans are not the best. The plan is devilish cos Jesus Christ died for the world so that we can return to God's rule once His Kingdom comes. Yet the devil is trying to destroy this world before judgement day...

If the virus originated from china, then is certain to be from natural as last cdc staff left china by jul
and last foreign scientist from wuhan lab in dec does not mention any gain programme.

Timeline of blood samples and sewage found in other parts of the world make lab story almost impossible

Another stumbling question is if virus is circulating for months in wuhan before declared,
with no preventive measures, transmission is rather low compare to many countries situation


There were data reporting on antibodies in persons in USA, Italy etc that backdated to before Dec 19. Ofc we didn't get to see if there were PRC with antibodies before Dec 19...

Unless those non China folks had been to China much earlier or in contact with PRC folks prior to Dec 19.

The probability and storyline doesn't make sense... That's why I kind of still believe in the theory I mentioned in earlier post, it was a story that came up rather early in the onset of covid 19...

Can the court nail someone when the prosecutor say "a worker may have" without naming the worker or producing evidences? So dun take these jokers seriously and stressed yourself........ Rolleyes

 Thinking is difficult, that's why most people judge
                    Carl Jung

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