WTF PAP and porlumpar WhineBig still do not ban Stylofoam??

Styrofoam is a brand name for polystyrene foam, a type of plastic that is widely used for packaging, insulation, and disposable food containers. Styrofoam is not biodegradable and can persist in the environment for a long time, posing a threat to wildlife and marine life. Styrofoam can also release harmful chemicals when heated or burned, which can affect human health and contribute to air pollution.
Many countries and cities around the world have banned or restricted the use of styrofoam for environmental and health reasons. According to the web search results, some of the places that have banned styrofoam include:
There are also many other countries and cities that have partial bans or local initiatives to reduce styrofoam use, such as China, Haiti, Fiji, Jamaica, Macau, Maldives, Mauritius, Micronesia, Monaco, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Singapore, and several states and cities in the United States. You can find more information about the phase-out of polystyrene foam on Wikipedia or by searching the web.

Very disappointed with these bunch of incompetent hypocrites

Better buck up WhineBig, or face extinction

If want to ban also not instant wan lah. Sentinel thought ban styrofoam is like shafting pineapples up his ass. Instant de.  Laughing

Dun expect to be bailed out

No freeloading, understand?

If banning cannot make profits for PAP

disGrace will not bother to save the earth

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 

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