WW3 threat rising as US allows Ukraine to fire its missiles at Russia


US no more super power. 
So must put others down. 
War is the fastest way thinking they are still number one.

Already some attacks using North alliance bombs, drones.
recently on anti nuclear missile radar station.

Perhaps should avoid anything to relate with nuclear defence or power.
Else tactical nuclear weapons may be used.

Just a matter of time.
Senile Biden is going to press the wrong button soon.
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Russia will say:
All die together
Human and living things all extinct.
ET will rule the Earth

Russia chose to start this.war
Russia any time can stop it's invasion of a sovereign country.
Ukraine is defending itself against an aggressor has right to ask for any help it needs. And other countries can provide help.

It is strange people blame US for anything given the aggressor is Russia and it is Russia that chooses to continue this war.

Those who want Ukraine to fall and be invaded by Russia should ask what this mafia dictator called Putin has to offer any country it conquers except misery. Look at Chechya after Putin installed his dictator there the people were brutalised.
That is why the Ukrainians kept fighting against a much stronger adversary and refuse to give up.

The West made a big mistake to let Russia take Crimea without real consequences and this emboldened power hungry Putin to go for Ukraine. If Ukraine falls Russia will continue its aggression to expand its territory.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

Russia does not choose to start the war. It is Zelensky wanna kiss NATO so no choice force Russia hand to whack them. Now they have a taste after two years they are tired and if memorandum again see Ukrainian still wanna join NATO or not. Even former Ukrainian PM has said the solution is to merge back with Russia. Like that good for Ukraine becuz US and Europe cannot get paid for the weapons and any debt Ukraine has incurred from them. Even worst Ukraine can share the US Europe provided weapons for Russia to dissect and understand.

And the irony of all NATO dare not accept Ukraine haha 😂

(01-06-2024, 11:42 PM)Oasis Wrote:  Russia will say:
All die together
Human and living things all extinct.
ET will rule the Earth

Aliens followers, many on earth. Some just go to our Sun to collect some Sun Power for their Alien ship... Alien

Alien UFO following us leh. Their Aliens Pilot smaller ship let us or ready let U S. Fighters jet track them, then, as they like, they disappear, like magic they from under the sea into sky and disappear into thin huge black space. Big Grin Big Grin


the only way to stop the war is when putin is gone as he started it.
like what a chinese saying
the only person who can bring down the bell hung high up  in the beam is the person who tied the bell there

(02-06-2024, 07:45 AM)Bw2023 Wrote:  The US chose to expand Nato towards Russia right up to its border, after promising to respect the Russian red line

Russia has the right to defend itself
There is no choice. Russia is a threat to many neighbouring small NATO countries. Putin is too ambitious and he desires to eat up those small countries. So, pre-emptive preparations is a MUST. Putin is a rogue gangster who is not peaceful and very hostile.

(03-06-2024, 12:19 PM)Gemstar Wrote:  There is no choice. Russia is a threat to many neighbouring small NATO countries. Putin is too ambitious and he desires to eat up those small countries. So, pre-emptive preparations is a MUST. Putin is a rogue gangster who is not peaceful and very hostile.

U took too many mRNA or listen to too many western news?

(03-06-2024, 12:19 PM)Gemstar Wrote:  There is no choice. Russia is a threat to many neighbouring small NATO countries. Putin is too ambitious and he desires to eat up those small countries. So, pre-emptive preparations is a MUST. Putin is a rogue gangster who is not peaceful and very hostile.

putin alone dared not to start the war only after cfm fr china that the latter will back him up all the way only then putin stated .

xi also has his oewn calculation to make use of putin as a test bed if can sy=uccessfully captures whole of ukarina within mths xi will replicate on taiwan.

there are no winners in this war
EVERYONE SUFFER  from disruptions to inflation
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(03-06-2024, 12:19 PM)Gemstar Wrote:  There is no choice. Russia is a threat to many neighbouring small NATO countries. Putin is too ambitious and he desires to eat up those small countries. So, pre-emptive preparations is a MUST. Putin is a rogue gangster who is not peaceful and very hostile.

Putin is just a mad man who like the soldiers to gp killing or be kill, about 500,000 is about the numbers is managed set by UK reported... crying

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