Wah piang: Mistress to married man want others to shut up

Woman been friends with married guy for years says she’s “drawn to him” just wants her feelings without being judged

A woman who has feelings for a married man asked why her friends would always shut her down whenever she spoke about him.

In an anonymous post to popular confessions page SGWhispers, the woman asked “Why no one loves me”.

She wrote in her post that she was friends with the guy for years, even watching him “start dating, get married, become a father. I’ve watched his babies grow up to become little toddlers and preschoolers”.

She continued: “I didn’t consider him to be anything as I have already given up on settling down. I’m too messed up and I didn’t want to commit to anyone because I’ve had my heart broken all too many times. I don’t believe in love and promises anymore”.


8Umbrella Umbrella

Talk cock liké sing song, just like these H2H and Debono clowns

They want everything and dont like to be judged, as if like there is such a thing in this world

This man is very lucky. Can have twice a day and mistress and wife dont mind sharing


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