Western diplomats mounted pressure on China to prevent Iran from escalating tensions


What can China do?

Why pressure China? Those Western idiots should pressure US to back off.      Big Grin

 Thinking is difficult, that's why most people judge
                    Carl Jung

(14-04-2024, 07:59 AM)winbig Wrote:  What can China do?

It proves that western thuggery is not working anymore .

It is not western countries pressure China to stop Iran from attacking Israel. What has China to do with Iran? 

Western countries are pressured by US to beg China to influence Iran not to attack. They know Iran only can be influenced by Russia or China.  

Remembered a few days ago, Blinken called to Wang Yi in the mid-night? Blinken was asking China to help. Wang Yi replied to Blinken China opposed to any attack of embassy (Israel hit Iran's embassy in Yemen).  

China's embassy was hit by US in Yugoslavia many years ago during a war in Europe. US apologized to China citing it was a mistake by pilot using wrong map.   Rotfl     


Blame China again?
It's all biden's fault.

Shd ask god to help. China is not their god

(14-04-2024, 09:46 AM)WhatDoYouThink! Wrote:  Shd ask god to help. China is not their god

Yah, since they claimed they are god's chosen people.  But seems like Karma is more powerful now.

SgButt said, don't worry hor, Israel will bomb flat Iran including Iran's nuclear plant.   

So why US so afraid?   

The purpose of Israel attacking Iran's embassy in Yemen was intentional. Israel purposely make Iran to start a war so as to pull US in the war.  

With the war, Biden's hope in the election will be gone because Americans want to stop the war in Gaza.  


God prefer to helped Chew Chor Meng and a few mediacorpse actors but not the Jews lah.      Big Grin

 Thinking is difficult, that's why most people judge
                    Carl Jung

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