What’s driving the increase in Singapore’s public expenditure that necessitate

What’s driving the increase in Singapore’s public expenditure that necessitates a GST hike, and are there alternative sources of revenue?

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It's cause by policies that have driven up poverty and rising number  elderly poor....and cost of living increases that is result of importing more and more people.

While our birth rate is claimed to be among lowest in the world our population growth per capita is highest in the world. Why?

The low birth rate is used as a pretext to import people at a rate beyond what is needed to compensate for low birth rate.

This drives up cost of living ....and causes poverty to rise and elderly poor needs more support. Just look at how much housing costs has risen due to all this ...last yr record number of million dollar HDB flats. Medical cost rise as the large number driven demand up for medical services  A Sjngaporean pest controller has to bid for medical services against a foreign banker earning 20x his pay. You tell me why $100 is not important for him to try to circumvent the rules and get jailed...to me it's reflection of policy failure that puts him there.

But you think about it the entire situation is driven by choices politicians make. After that they need to patch the negative effects of their own decisions.

This govt is down to one trick to boost the economy by its population policies. That was why so many protested the White Paper a few years ago. At the end the white paper tells us they have only one and one main idea. ...and we have no choice but to fight it due to the dire consequences.

The coming GST hike will go down badly in the eyes of the people as they are not blind to what is happening.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.
[+] 1 user Likes sgbuffett's post

I just don't buy the argument for increasing GST. Public spending is increasing because of aging and health care costs. The reserves accumulated in the past are built up with the efforts of those reaching retirement age. Why would you ask the entire population to pay for the healthcare of the elderly when the elderly have helped accumulated way more than enough reserves to pay for their own retirement?

It's like saying that your elderly parents have a lot of savings to last several lifetimes, but they insist that you and your children pay for all their medical expenses.
[+] 4 users Like starbugs's post

Need to build a few more multi million dollars rubbish bins la
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(23-01-2022, 11:12 AM)starbugs Wrote:  I just don't buy the argument for increasing GST. Public spending is increasing because of aging and health care costs. The reserves accumulated in the past are built up with the efforts of those reaching retirement age. Why would you ask the entire population to pay for the healthcare of the elderly when the elderly have helped accumulated way more than enough reserves to pay for their own retirement?

It's like saying that your elderly parents have a lot of savings to last several lifetimes, but they insist that you and your children pay for all their medical expenses.

come Budget day Even PM NY claim GST Hike is to cope Expensive Health care usage due to Covi19 etc.
Well " fair enough " BUT MIND YOU WHY IN THE MID OF COVI19 still They come What Mayor this post
Not to forget their own civil services, come out many crap sub departments etc

Local Employment rise , do you think due to Private sectors offering More jobs ? NOPE literally is Gov itself,
" yes ownself brag , ownself create job OUT FROM PUBLIC FUNDS "

SDA, Tray return , Etc all these jobs they so call " create job also can brag Local employment rate increase "

if you see MOM report , they don't go in depth these people find job is doing what ?
[+] 1 user Likes [[ForeverAlone]]'s post

Did they say if want better need to pay more?

(23-01-2022, 10:49 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  It's cause by policies that have driven up poverty and rising number  elderly poor....and cost of living increases that is result of importing more and more people.

While our birth rate is claimed to be among lowest in the world our population growth per capita is highest in the world. Why?

The low birth rate is used as a pretext to import people at a rate beyond what is needed to compensate for low birth rate.

This drives up cost of living ....and causes poverty to rise and elderly poor needs more support. Just look at how much housing costs has risen due to all this ...last yr record number of million dollar HDB flats. Medical cost rise as the large number driven demand up for medical services  A Sjngaporean pest controller has to bid for medical services against a foreign banker earning 20x his pay. You tell me why $100 is not important for him to try to circumvent the rules and get jailed...to me it's reflection of policy failure that puts him there.

But you think about it the entire situation is driven by choices politicians make. After that they need to patch the negative effects of their own decisions.

This govt is down to one trick to boost the economy by its population policies. That was why so many protested the White Paper a few years ago. At the end the white paper tells us they have only one and one main idea. ...and we have no choice but to fight it due to the dire consequences.

The coming GST hike will go down badly in the eyes of the people as they are not blind to what is happening.

Sinkees r not just blind....they r farking dumb when it comes to voting. Ask Debono or H4H how they voted. I still remember H4H said "just ask the person infront and behind u....if they say PAP then vote PAP lah" Laughing

PAP said GST is to help the poor, not on other public expenditure ie infrastructure, defense, debt . . .

Why SG has More & more . . .. more poorer people under Current PAP?

PAP seems to be doing worse and worstER than before.


Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 

(23-01-2022, 11:42 AM)Notdumb Wrote:  Sinkees r not just blind....they r farking dumb when it comes to voting. Ask Debono or H4H how they voted. I still remember H4H said "just ask the person infront and behind u....if they say PAP then vote PAP lah" Laughing

While life gets harder and less secure people wake up very fast.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.
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(23-01-2022, 12:13 PM)sgbuffett Wrote:  While life gets harder and less secure people wake up very fast.

There will be more mental cases, crime and suicides !
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(23-01-2022, 11:41 AM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote:  come Budget day Even PM NY claim GST Hike is to cope Expensive Health care usage due to Covi19 etc.
Well " fair enough " BUT MIND YOU WHY IN THE MID OF COVI19 still They come  What Mayor this post
Not to forget their own civil services, come out many crap sub departments etc

Local Employment rise , do you think due to Private sectors offering More jobs ? NOPE literally is Gov itself,
" yes ownself brag , ownself create job OUT FROM PUBLIC FUNDS "

SDA, Tray return , Etc all these jobs they so call " create job also can brag Local employment rate increase "

if you see MOM report , they don't go in depth these people find job is doing what ?

I think Gov now create only short term contract jobs that is less than one year so need not pay them bonus or 13-month. Very difficult seek permanent hiring in the Gov/Stat board now. Heard there is a hiring freeze in some stat boards.

When economy was good, Singapore hired many foreigners to work here, but when economy is bad, the employers refuse to fire them. That is why many Singaporean are either jobless or under-employed. Even those who got a job are mainly short term contract work.
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(23-01-2022, 10:43 AM)Bigiron Wrote:  What’s driving the increase in Singapore’s public expenditure that necessitates a GST hike, and are there alternative sources of revenue?

Read the commentary:


Public sectors wastage.

Old age , social welfare , voucher handouts freebies etc via all the so cslled holy places , fighting viruses, education, defence r the major expenses.

More aged with fewer wage earners to tax

i never buy their reasons for increasing gst to 9%
singapore is not a welfare state
singapore does not g=hv natural disasters that need 100s millions to salvage.
spore has >1 trillion reserves
spore ministers mayors mps are grossly overpaid by any world standard if mead=sured by their performances.
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(23-01-2022, 04:13 PM)Clyde Wrote:  I think Gov now create only short term contract jobs that is less than one year so need not pay them bonus or 13-month. Very difficult seek permanent hiring in the Gov/Stat board now. Heard there is a hiring freeze in some stat boards.

When economy was good, Singapore hired many foreigners to work here, but when economy is bad, the employers refuse to fire them. That is why many Singaporean are either jobless or under-employed. Even those who got a job are mainly short term contract work.

All along is contract job but is literally just like Perm job inside civil service.
If I remember they start this all along way back later 90s which any new staffs is under " 2 year contract " than renew till perm.

Nevertheless nothing much difference be it you are contract or perm.
Yearly July/dec Bonus same entitlement and yearly increment inculded

(23-01-2022, 04:21 PM)Yin yang Wrote:  Old age , social  welfare , voucher handouts freebies etc via all the so cslled holy places , fighting viruses, education, defence r the major expenses.

More aged with fewer wage earners to tax

Tax FTs with monthly levies. Cannot?

Why must they enjoy Unfettered Access without levies? 

So G must pass the buck to us and give us more and more . . .. more problems instead?

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 

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