What China does about Ukraine could affect future world order


This sissy really no brain between his ears

*Shake Head*
[+] 2 users Like Sentinel's post

The West is punishing Russia economically because it could not retaliate militarily.

The magnitude of the sanctions indicate the level of anger the West have towards Russia for challenging the "World Order" set by the West.

The West seeks China's compliance to enforce this world order. But here's the issue: this is the same world order that seek to contain China & prevent it from moving in lockstep with Russia.

Its clear that the West will go after China once it manage to divide Russia from China.
[+] 1 user Likes simpleman's post

Sounds like he regretted sanctioning russia.
.. asean region is open to all super power for free trade and flow of capital...

(17-03-2022, 01:13 AM)CHAOS Wrote:  https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/p...lakrishnan

Major impact on future  world's coconut prices

(17-03-2022, 06:48 AM)Clyde Wrote:  Sounds like he regretted sanctioning russia.
.. asean region is open to all super power for free trade and flow of capital...

The other 9 Asean leaders all looking up to see and seek PM Lee s advice.

All queueing up to consult a very busy,  PM Lee.

Well done. Making Singaporeans proud

有事钟无艳,无事夏迎春。 Rotfl

He took side and now ask China for help?

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

Russia started the invasion, human life is dirt to communist & the axis of evil, china.
why western world using sanction to avoid WW3 & ending of human life if WW3 starts by Russia & china.
But once Russia & china starts to attack NATO & USalliance in asia, then full war with Russia & china are not avoided, end communist is the must to return to world peace.

all these moronic communist source of nonsense & lies, but why all the insane comie dogs here still dont bring all their family back to china to enjoy their new world order? if that shit places china has no freedom & human right, that is why all these dogs dont want to go back there to be slavery, die die they fight hard to stay back in a democratic country here. All these blody liars, bark lies7/24 here but refuse to be slavery in china.
no speech freedom, no news freedom, they cannot bark anything they like, can only lick yet lick wrongly,their wholefamily life are gone. No youtube, facebook, google, twitter all the news, only watch fully censored china propanganda fake & lies, twist & stir shit, brainwash to sacrify their children life to ccp. LOL LOL.

still,these dogshere dont have 1 cts of asset in Russia & china yet their master mother land, Ruble give 20% of inetrest they also want USD. alibaba down from 300 to75, they want apple & microsoft. But these dogs here con morons here to buy china & Russia asset which they themselves dont want. LOL LOL.



(17-03-2022, 01:13 AM)CHAOS Wrote:  https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/p...lakrishnan

[Image: 2-D560318-2234-4125-8872-56-F696-C1-D43-E.jpg]

Singapore wants a peaceful world.
Against war.

(17-03-2022, 07:41 AM)kokee Wrote:  Russia started the invasion, human life is dirt to communist & the axis of evil, china.
why western world using sanction to avoid WW3 & ending of human life if WW3 starts by Russia & china.
But once Russia & china starts to attack NATO & USalliance in asia, then full war with Russia & china are not avoided, end communist is the must to return to world peace.

all these moronic communist source of nonsense & lies, but why all the insane comie dogs here still dont bring all their family back to china to enjoy their new world order? if that shit places china has no freedom & human right, that is why all these dogs dont want to go back there to be slavery, die die they fight hard to stay back in a democratic country here. All these blody liars, bark lies7/24 here but refuse to be slavery in china.
no speech freedom, no news freedom, they cannot bark anything they like, can only lick yet lick wrongly,their wholefamily life are gone. No youtube, facebook, google, twitter all the news, only watch fully censored china propanganda fake & lies, twist & stir shit, brainwash to sacrify their children life to ccp. LOL LOL.

still,these dogshere dont have 1 cts of asset in Russia & china yet their master mother land, Ruble give 20% of inetrest they also want USD. alibaba down from 300 to75, they want apple & microsoft. But these dogs here con morons here to buy china & Russia asset which they themselves dont want. LOL LOL.


we must go against russia invasion for sure if we want other to help us if big bully happens in this part of the world.
Liberation war against dictator is different, only morons cannot differentiate.
basic human right & upright also dont have & dont now, all these comie dogs in this forum.
basic sense of right & wrong must have, also must have gut to do the right thing.



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