'What do we do with this man?' said one Indian news anchor on Canadian leader

Trudeau had come to New Delhi for the G20 summit, and keen observers of the event alleged that India’s frosty treatment of Trudeau started right at the airport. The Canadian prime minister was picked up in an older Toyota Land Cruiser, while other world leaders got newer model Audis and Mercedes.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi, India’s Ministry of External Affairs issued a statement saying that Modi spent most of the encounter reprimanding Trudeau for allegedly letting Canada become a safe haven for secessionist extremists.

“They are … inciting violence against Indian diplomats, damaging diplomatic premises, and threatening the Indian community in Canada and their places of worship,” it read.

And all of this was before Trudeau’s aircraft broke down, stranding the Canadian delegation in New Delhi until a rescue plane could be dispatched from CFB Trenton.


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