What does China lose by leaving Taiwan alone?

(05-08-2022, 01:31 PM)kokee Wrote:  1 day you will find out that you are 漢奸走狗!

Bankrupt loser kokee howling jealous 

Who let the slave kokee out woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof 

Kokee don't forget to take your medicine 

National scum Shameless bankrupt Pitiful jealous kokee howling scare panic desperate dog losing

Taiwan is dat unsinkable aircraft carrier once used by the japanese during ww2
China will leave both Japan and Taiwan alone.There is no need to do anything.
Japan is dat Japoni blackhole who played too close to the sun in 1985.
China will attack US corp. Both will naturally disappear.
AS FOR THE QUANTUM ENTANGLEMENTS OF BOTH CHINA AND RUSSIA BEING THEMSELVES GLOBALISTS, Humanity needs only use same US corp Dola instead of Central Banks' digitals.
This will damage Sotong in the trillions.

China got more to gain by leaving Taiwan alone
For one, China will win a lot of respect from the rest of the world
And who knows?
Probably Taiwan may decide to peacefully merge with China
Only problem is the Communists are too brain dead to realize it

Tampines & West Coast GRCs are there for the taking 

(05-08-2022, 12:53 PM)WhatDoYouThink? Wrote:  that's the best post of today so far.  Clapping

I suppose AhButt will not object if sentosa is being takien by any country as he does not stay in sentosa Smile)))))

(05-08-2022, 02:02 PM)Bluebull Wrote:  China got more to gain by leaving Taiwan alone
For one, China will win a lot of respect from the rest of the world
And who knows?
Probably Taiwan may decide to peacefully merge with China
Only problem is the Communists are too brain dead to realize it
Some truth. 
The Angmos only clap to see China hoot Taiwan. 
When Taiwanese realise more benefits to join China, hopefully they will do so.

aiya 一班老太监老宫女卖国贼亡国奴,还整天讲什么祖国,爱国的。真是肉麻当有趣
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(05-08-2022, 02:02 PM)Bluebull Wrote:  China got more to gain by leaving Taiwan alone
For one, China will win a lot of respect from the rest of the world
And who knows?
Probably Taiwan may decide to peacefully merge with China
Only problem is the Communists are too brain dead to realize it

I think u are day dreaming. 江山是打下来的,不是谈出来的 Laughing

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(05-08-2022, 02:36 PM)Niubee Wrote:  I think u are day dreaming. 江山是打下来的,不是谈出来的 Laughing

Go ask the Russian..

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(05-08-2022, 02:36 PM)Niubee Wrote:  I think u are day dreaming. 江山是打下来的,不是谈出来的 Laughing

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(05-08-2022, 01:31 PM)kokee Wrote:  1 day you will find out that you are 漢奸走狗!

Are you sure ?

Let me reveal to you my ancestry. I was born in Singapore but my grandparents are from Kinmen when my father and uncles were just children. You know where is Kinmen ? It is part of Taiwan meaning my ancestors are really Taiwanese. Because of this, I always listen to the political stories told by my elders when I was growing up.

Let me tell you where is the danger. The danger is ROC is Taiwan and PRC is mainland China but USA and the world only recognise ONE CHINA. ..no such thing as ROC..only one China which is PRC led by CCP . This is why USA never sell their advanced weapons to Taiwan like they sold to us Singapore. USA only sell Taiwan obsolete weapons.

You know WHY ?

ANSWER : THE REAL DANGER IS ROC COUNTER ATTACK PRC..,Since KMT never admit at all they lost Mainland to CCP. And USA knew this very danger as all hell will break loose if Taiwan counter attack China by declaring independence. 

Now you know why USA always sell obsolete weapons to Taiwan. And the real hanjian is you, not me.

(05-08-2022, 03:19 PM)*天哥* Wrote:  Are you sure ?

Let me reveal to you my ancestry. I was born in Singapore but my grandparents are from Kinmen when my father and uncles were just children. You know where is Kinmen ? It is part of Taiwan meaning my ancestors are really Taiwanese. Because of this, I always listen to the political stories told by my elders when I was growing up.

Let me tell you where is the danger. The danger is ROC is Taiwan and PRC is mainland China but USA and the world only recognise ONE CHINA. ..no such thing as ROC..only one China which is PRC led by CCP . This is why USA never sell their advanced weapons to Taiwan like they sold to us Singapore. USA only sell Taiwan obsolete weapons.

You know WHY ?

ANSWER : THE REAL DANGER IS ROC COUNTER ATTACK PRC..,Since KMT never admit at all they lost Mainland to CCP. And USA knew this very danger as all hell will break loose if Taiwan counter attack China by declaring independence. 

Now you know why USA always sell obsolete weapons to Taiwan. And the real hanjian is you, not me.

This is highly consistent...when it suit china fanboys they say Taiwan is weak and small easily overwhelmed by China and US has not guts to help Taiwan and jnvolve themselves jn q war.

Then they also claim Taiwan can go and attack China and fight China .

In reality Taiwan has no way to fight and be a threat to China it can only build deterrent against actions of China.

Only China has a choice when it comes to military action. Taiwan can only respond by defending.

China has no qualms about propping up a dictator regime in N.Korea with nuclear weapons threaten S.Korea and Japan plus ...

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.
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(05-08-2022, 03:29 PM)sgbuffett Wrote:  This is highly consistent...when it suit china fanboys they say Taiwan is weak and small easily overwhelmed by China and US has not guts to help Taiwan and jnvolve themselves jn q war.

Then they also claim Taiwan can go and attack China and fight China .

In reality Taiwan has no way to fight and be a threat to China it can only build deterrent against actions of China.

Only China has a choice when it comes to military action. Taiwan can only respond by defending.

China has no qualms about propping up a dictator regime in N.Korea with nuclear weapons threaten S.Korea and Japan plus ...

I am glad u know this, I was wrong about you. I am sorry.

Someone wanted instability in Asia, who I am not qualified to say.

What does Taiwan lose by reunion with China?


(05-08-2022, 03:37 PM)Alice Alicia Wrote:  What does Taiwan lose by reunion with China?

I think Taiwanese would be open to a 1 country 2 system unification setup....but once they saw what happened to hong kong ...they probably say to themselves "no way"....the communists just cannot stop meddling until millions of HKers took to the streets  ..

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.
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(05-08-2022, 03:45 PM)sgbuffett Wrote:  I think Taiwanese would be open to a 1 country 2 system unification setup....but once they saw what happened to hong kong ...they probably say to themselves "no way"....the communists just cannot stop meddling until millions of HKers took to the streets  ..

If the riot was not meddled by USA embassy, fine. Bit it was not..U knew it. Laughing


(05-08-2022, 03:29 PM)sgbuffett Wrote:  This is highly consistent...when it suit china fanboys they say Taiwan is weak and small easily overwhelmed by China and US has not guts to help Taiwan and jnvolve themselves jn q war.

Then they also claim Taiwan can go and attack China and fight China .

In reality Taiwan has no way to fight and be a threat to China it can only build deterrent against actions of China.

Only China has a choice when it comes to military action. Taiwan can only respond by defending.

China has no qualms about propping up a dictator regime in N.Korea with nuclear weapons threaten S.Korea and Japan plus ...

Why do you care what China does to countries close to it? India, Japan, Korea, Russia, all had wars with China since time immemorial.

I would rather deal with a strong China than a strong USA.

(05-08-2022, 12:22 PM)cityhantam Wrote:  You are absolutely right!  Clapping

(05-08-2022, 12:53 PM)WhatDoYouThink? Wrote:  that's the best post of today so far.  Clapping

If other countries keep on disturbing Sentosa we also must protect it mah!
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(05-08-2022, 11:04 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  It has been like this for 70yrs already. Taiwanese were big investors in China. Once Western powers let China back into the global trading system allowing Western technology to flow into China. Foxconn employs a million people in China.

By leaving Taiwan alone and not threatening Taiwan, there was economic integration and in the 1990s Taiwanese even voted for pro China politicians to improve relations and go for greater economic integration.

By making military threats and causing the Taiwanese people to hate China result in election of pro independence leaders.
Taiwan will naturally arm itself to better protect its way for life....

A skillful leader would know that when China's GDP rises it will attract Taiwanese back to China because it is human nature to want a better life. Look at the thousands of Taiwanese lured by the booming China tech sector jobs before the CCP stifle the sector.

In recent years for power consolidation, Xi has played the nationalism card ...be it stirring hatred against Japanese for World War 2, hatred of Taiwan, hatred of Western powers for Opium Wars, the propaganda narrative is driven by nationalist against others. Even India's Modi with a steller reputation for peace was reluctantly drawn to border conflicts with China...and the Indian free media now broadcast anti China news all day.

If every politicians thiNk like u... The world would be in peace. But it was not meant to be. U are very naive boy. Like See Gin Na


(05-08-2022, 03:19 PM)*天哥* Wrote:  Are you sure ?

Let me reveal to you my ancestry. I was born in Singapore but my grandparents are from Kinmen when my father and uncles were just children. You know where is Kinmen ? It is part of Taiwan meaning my ancestors are really Taiwanese. Because of this, I always listen to the political stories told by my elders when I was growing up.

Let me tell you where is the danger. The danger is ROC is Taiwan and PRC is mainland China but USA and the world only recognise ONE CHINA. ..no such thing as ROC..only one China which is PRC led by CCP . This is why USA never sell their advanced weapons to Taiwan like they sold to us Singapore. USA only sell Taiwan obsolete weapons.

You know WHY ?

ANSWER : THE REAL DANGER IS ROC COUNTER ATTACK PRC..,Since KMT never admit at all they lost Mainland to CCP. And USA knew this very danger as all hell will break loose if Taiwan counter attack China by declaring independence. 

Now you know why USA always sell obsolete weapons to Taiwan. And the real hanjian is you, not me.

I am sure! 
no one bother about your ancestor or who you are here!
we are here to talk about truth & fact, then right or wrong of what ccp china has done in the last 10-20 yrs!
of course also what lie & BS comie dogs here spam 7/24, seem to me you agree to these dogs because you are chinese or you support ccp china!
you have evidence US dont sell advanced weapons to taiwan, post your evidence here with data & news, dont just bark from your ass like all comie dogs here, all my post come with supporting videos &  news, unlike your shit! no one going to believe or trust  your BS or who you are here!
same to all your above self claimed story of 1 china!
If you are spore, you should believe in democratic instead of communism dictatorship, your choice, we have freedom & human right here unlike in china you have no choice, freedom & right!
same to all comie dogs lies in this forum using communist sources of fake & lies, I exposed all their lies with supporting documents! same to you, dont BS from ass, no one believe liars here!

(04-05-2022, 11:52 AM)kokee Wrote:  all these china slavery rule under ccp weapons & fear.
ccp is not elected by them or their choice, they born with it, they have no choice due to they have no freedom & human right, born as slavery.
especially this covid, many died due to inhumanity, not virus.



Bankrupt loser kokee howling jealous 

Who let the slave kokee out woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof 


Kokee don't forget to take your medicine 

National scum Shameless bankrupt Pitiful jealous kokee howling scare panic desperate dog losing the slave kokee out woof woof woof woof woof woof

(05-08-2022, 03:58 PM)cheekopekman Wrote:  If other countries keep on disturbing Sentosa we also must protect it mah!

yalor. duno why this idiot said they wun abadone sentosa. another one said what's there to lose if sentosa is left alone

(05-08-2022, 12:19 PM)cheekopekman Wrote:  Taiwan belongs to China just like Sentosa belongs to Singapore mah!
Dun joke me until I laugh tears coming out. Sentosa has a President and its own Governmenteeedntotot  and independently survive without the help of Singapore Government. If so,  I agreed with u


(05-08-2022, 12:46 PM)Niubee Wrote:  U are absolute disgrace. When people insult u, u will thank the person right. U are good man but disgrace to mankind..
When u r wrong,  admit it. There is no point attacking pole. It is not good to work by distracting and diverting pple’s attention. China presently has internal problems. Good to spend effort solving it.


This is what China is doing. Not going to help themselves. More like Ah Q.

[Image: Ah-Q-SUB.gif]


(05-08-2022, 03:45 PM)sgbuffett Wrote:  I think Taiwanese would be open to a 1 country 2 system unification setup....but once they saw what happened to hong kong ...they probably say to themselves "no way"....the communists just cannot stop meddling until millions of HKers took to the streets  ..

Times have changed;  the Presidents have changed too,  so are countries's political system and policies etc.   Given the present scenarios and if both Xi Jiping and British PM were to negotiate letting China take over Hong Kong,  the answer will be a NO NO & US and the Western Countries will laugh at UK.   In the past,  Moris Johnson alread said it


ccp trash are greedy like fuk…TW is happy and prosperous…that’s why they wont let go

(05-08-2022, 06:12 PM)pervertosan Wrote:  ccp trash are greedy like fuk…TW is happy and prosperous…that’s why they wont let go

All humans are greedy lah. U thought pelosi involve in insider trading is not greedy? US print money to push up the stock market is not greedy? Greed is regardless of race language, nationality or religion.

(05-08-2022, 11:11 AM)pervertosan Wrote:  winnie is a power greedy tyrant….will go down in history as one of the evil emperors

Winnie made himself emperor of Tiongkok oredy. Dun understand how it can happen in CCP where upheavals and renewals are the norm. Dis proves he iz more cunning despite his pooh bear looks. Dis time however Tiongkok uncalled for aggression iz definitely influenced by Putins unreigned madness. Might iz right.  
Prophesy of the end times iz actualising. WW3 starts from the east.

(05-08-2022, 06:12 PM)pervertosan Wrote:  ccp trash are greedy like fuk…TW is happy and prosperous…that’s why they wont let go

I tell you the reason.

China has alot of domestic problems recently including mortgage and banking crisis.

Once Pelosi visits Taiwan and China started military exercises all these are economic problems are forgotten jncluding the frustration over zero covid.

South China Sea, Indian border disputes, Taiwan issue, anti Japanese sentiment....all these can be used in times of trouble at home to distract the people from problems caused by poor governance of communist rule.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.
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