Maryland fatal shooting of 3 happened after parking dispute. 3 others wounded

an hour ago

ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) — A man was charged in a shooting that killed three men — including a father and son — and wounded three others after a neighborhood dispute over parking during a party


Charles Robert Smith, 43, of Annapolis, was charged with three counts of second-degree murder, three counts of attempted murder, assault and other offenses in the shooting that happened Sunday evening


identified the victims as Nicholas Mireles, 55, of Odenton, Maryland; Mario Antonio Mireles Ruiz, 27, of Annapolis; and Christian Marlon Segovia, 25, of Annapolis.


The dispute happened after Smith’s mother, Shirley Smith, called a local parking enforcement employee to complain that a vehicle was blocking their driveway


Mireles Ruiz went to Smith’s house to talk about the issue


Then an argument broke out between him and Smith’s mother. When Smith came home, he confronted Mireles Ruiz


After the argument turned physical, Smith allegedly pulled out a gun and shot both 27-year-old Mireles Ruiz and Segovia.

Other people at the party responded and saw Mireles on the ground


When some ran over to the house, Smith went inside his house. Then, Smith allegedly began shooting with a long gun out the front window of his house, killing Nicholas Mireles, Mario Mireles Ruiz’s father. That is also when he shot the other three people

That's the problem with US. 

Everyone has gun. When in dispute, you must prepare to shoot because you don't know whether the other person is to open fire or not.

The one who shoots first survive. 


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