What is inside those Marko & friends propeprty course ads on YouTube

I wasted my time so you don't have to.

Basically it's the same old strategy of Co living. Buying a condo and splitting it with simple reno to account to many tenants. There are a few versions being peddled around by course peddlers. One involve renting and subletting. The other involves buying the entire unit then using Co living to get higher rental while you wait for price to go up.

Well the catch is you have to handle all the issues that result from many tenants staying at one place, govt closing loophole that allow this, and the wear and tear on the property because so many people are staying there.

Of course such money making schemes usually end soon when more and more people get involved saturating the supply and inviting condo management to revise by laws to stop this as neighbors may complain.

That is why these guys are having courses not going all put to make the $$ themselves. Courses peddling is risk free as students are sent out to sustain the risk ....

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

Didn't take any of these courses before, but heard some give very useful info and charge a few thousands per attendee.

Usefful info for million-dollar investments, a few k is ok lah

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