What is the real Xinjiang? Top-hit Drama [My Altay] or secret internment camps?

[Image: Screenshot-2024-07-20-081109.png]

Aiyah falunggong channel again! Can you all show a bit more initiatives - China Observer, China Insight, Lei Real Talk - anti China channels spreading fake news!

By the way this Lei has been called out by many calling her a liar - a case in point she discussed about Xi having a heart stroke! Reuters came out to debunk the rumours saying old pics of Xi were used in the disinformation/misinformation. In fact a number of netizens told her to clean up her acts as she is tarnishing her reputation/image - her channel has warped into lies/spreading misinformation ...

shitexchange in this forum another untrustworthy forumer. I hope you Coyote not another fool who just join in the Liars Club!!!!????
[+] 1 user Likes sporeguy's post

I think both sides have reasons to exaggerate what happened.in Xinjiang to favor their own narrative.

In the first place Xinjiang is nothing compared with the atrocities in Gaza.

However, it is not a rosy picture.

If you recall riots broke out in Xinjiang including knife attacks. There was unhappiness at many levels plus some.radicalisation.  Some of the complaints where large migration of Han Chjnese into the region involve in mining business causing economic inequality.

After the initial wave of violence subsided, the govt decided to suppress further trouble.include mass detentions and surveillance. We know this because police data for the region was leaked and also internment camps.There were also eye witness accounts.

While there is denial of what happened. It is nothing surprising. China is not tolerant of dissent let alone violence in a region. 

Given poor relations of China with the west, they used these events to paint China in a negative light.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

FLG very desperate. 
Even went house to house to tell people how China harvest organs.

The greatest propaganda campaign “against China” in human history 人類歷史上最大規模的“反華”宣傳運動 By Jerry Grey Mar 6, 2023

China is the victim of the largest and greatest propaganda campaign in human history. Whether this is a sign of things to come or an aberration based around a particular point in time remains to be seen but propaganda it is.
Apparently, in 2017, China incarcerated between 1 and 5 million Xinjiang residents, except there’s no logistics to provide for the movement and incarceration of this many people, so that was impossible.
When those claims were discredited, they softened the allegations, yet 150 million tourists a year went to engage with local culture, eat local foods and they saw local language and the religion of Islam were widely practiced so, it wasn’t “cultural genocide”.
The claims were diluted to “forced labour”, except some of the world’s biggest companies work there: Germany’s Volkswagen; USA’s Skechers; Japan’s Uniqlo; France’s SMCP; and Spain’s Inditex which owns Zara, have all investigated – and some have been investigated but no evidence has been found. One of the world’s largest apparel companies, HK based Esquel have taken this matter to the US Supreme Court. Hilton and Marriott Hotels, KFC, McDonalds and many more US brands operate without any issue and employ people in accordance with their own standards and local laws. The world’s biggest agricultural machinery company, John Deere, company, not only operates there, business is so good it started a JV in China in 2020 in order to “capitalize on this important and rapidly expanding marketplace”.
So, the story was changed again, from forced labour in Xinjiang to wider distribution of forced labour in other provinces. And, once again, that was investigated; it was found to be a normal migrant worker program benefitting Xinjiang by providing better paid jobs in Eastern regions so money could be sent home. The Cowestpro Papers did an excellent job of debunking this.
These allegations are so widely reported that it doesn’t matter what the Supreme Court says, it doesn’t matter that the evidence has been debunked, it doesn’t matter when diplomats from 21 countries visit in 2021, or religious and political leaders from 32 Muslim countries visit in 2022, or even 8 African countries in 2023 and say they’ve seen no evidence. Because it’s on every news channel, it must be true – except, as they all know, it isn’t.
Nor is it true that Xi Jinping threatened to invade Taiwan, he’s never said anything of the sort. What he has said, and the United Nations agrees with him, is that Taiwan is a part of China, China will defend its property. He said, China won’t accept another period of humiliation like the Qing Dynasty, when Hong Kong was taken by the British and more than 40 foreign concessions were taken by nine different countries.
Talking of Hong Kong, we were widely and credibly informed that China would send troops there in 2019, but they didn’t. We were told the “freedoms and democracy” were taken from Hong Kong; except they weren’t. China has broken the Joint Declaration media reported, but they haven’t according to British Barrister and Hong Kong’s former top lawyer, who wrote an open letter to the then PM Johnson to let him know how widely misinformed he and his advisors were.
I urge everyone who has any interest in the well-being of HK to read this letter to understand how misinformed they are about the true situation in HK where more democracy now exists than at any time in their history. The success is so widely recognised in both HK, by the vast majority of Hong Kongers, and the Mainland that Xi Jinping suggested on the 25th anniversary that “One Country Two Systems” would endure beyond the 50 agreed years.
So, if China isn’t persecuting Uyghurs, nor is it threatening Taiwan, hasn’t removed any of the rights or freedoms from Hong Kong’s residents; what is it actually doing wrong?
It may be sending balloons the size of circus tents over America but, let’s be honest, if it was doing that to spy then it’s the stuff of a Marx Brothers comedy skit. And, there are probably millions of Americans who believe it; many of them were encouraged out of the basement to shoot at it.
What China is doing, is growing. Growing in influence, growing in trade, growing in economy, growing in wealth, growing in every aspect of technology, medicine, education and lifestyle and yes, in order to protect these improvements, it has grown in military power too – a defensive military power.
It may have militarised some atolls in the South China Sea but, unlike the USA, it doesn’t have 7000 troops and occupy 30% of the land in Guam. China doesn’t have nearly 30,000 troops in any of its neighbouring countries, as USA has in South Korea. Nor has it colonised any Asian country with 80,000 troops and 125 active bases like the US bases in Japan.
This is another of the great disinformation campaigns: the military expansion of China. A country which hasn’t invaded in a generation and works closely with the USA in Djibouti, the only overseas base China actually has.
China isn’t fortifying Gwadar Port in Pakistan, as alleged by some media, nor is it, as suggested in think tank reports, providing military aid to the Solomon Islands, in fact the agreement with the Solomon Islands specifically excludes military aid.
What China is doing is building world-class infrastructure. 42,000 kilometres of high-speed rail with 1,100 stations criss-cross the country. China has lifted 800 million out of poverty in the last 40 years. China has improved the air and water quality to the point where there was once smog, there are now blue skies, where people once said it was hard to find wild animals in China they now abound, from the protected and rarely seen wetland birds in Jiangsu, to rare whales off Guangdong, to Asian elephants wreaking havoc in Yunnan, from leopards in Shenzhen to Tigers in Heilongjiang. These ecological changes say more about a country than teams of Western economists can.
For the real perspective of China, try Chinese media and then watch what China does. In every case so far, what China said it would do, is what they actually did. Another rule of thumb I adopt is to look at what Western media says is happening in China and then assume it’s a deflection from what really happens somewhere else, it usually is.
Jerry Grey is a former British Police officer who was a general manager in a multi-national security company based in Australia for 17 years. He has lived, worked, travelled extensively and studied in China for the past 18 years. He holds a Master Degree in cross cultural change management. Jerry Grey is a freelance writer living in Southern China’s Guangdong province.
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(20-07-2024, 09:57 AM)factuup Wrote:  WE NEED A FREE XINJIANG CAMPAIGN!

Pundek babi Bumiboy the ultimate amdk arse lickers stooge’s you don't forget to take your medicine cum from your daddies LMAO 

https://media.tenor.com/-YrgmiDmNTsAAAAM...people.gif https://media.tenor.com/bIpyZUgpMCcAAAAM...artman.gif https://media.tenor.com/xiQ_RPlslCYAAAAM...opkins.gif https://media.tenor.com/dIOOnR-HKuQAAAAM...amelia.gif https://media.tenor.com/ca_JMRMyh8cAAAAM...ughing.gif

The west had already given up on xj stories at least for now and ahbutt pukimak still trying their luck?


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Pundek babi Bumiboy the ultimate amdk arse lickers don't forget to chak yoke hor LMAO 
https://media.tenor.com/bIpyZUgpMCcAAAAM...artman.gif https://media.tenor.com/-YrgmiDmNTsAAAAM...people.gif https://media.tenor.com/xiQ_RPlslCYAAAAM...opkins.gif https://media.tenor.com/dIOOnR-HKuQAAAAM...amelia.gif https://media.tenor.com/CFVIVCpjT9MAAAAM...-laugh.gif https://media.tenor.com/-bWE2E_hsl4AAAAM...ughing.gif

The genocide in Gaza no need of evidence…. it is clear as day. Nazi Isreal is committing mass murder, crimes against humanity & ethnic cleansing with the help of evil empire assmericunt

KTV妹妹说,香港人无义,台湾人无情,新加坂人无智 Big Grin

(21-07-2024, 06:31 PM)Tangsen Wrote:  The genocide in Gaza no need of evidence…. it is clear as day. Nazi Isreal is committing mass murder, crimes against humanity & ethnic cleansing with the help of evil empire assmericunt



So "free media support and endorse the genocide, racial cleansing and crime against humanity by Nazi Isreal supported by evil empire assmerica?  Thinking

KTV妹妹说,香港人无义,台湾人无情,新加坂人无智 Big Grin

Third world china is really sick and evil like wumao lololololol!

Ah tiongs stole the uyghur land and torture them in concentration camps to prevent them from having their own country. Just like what the CCP cult is doing to the tibetans. Truly sick!

No wonder wumao so sensitive to let people know lololololololol Tongue Tongue Tongue

(20-07-2024, 08:24 AM)sporeguy Wrote:  Aiyah falunggong channel again! Can you all show a bit more initiatives - China Observer, China Insight,  Lei Real Talk - anti China channels spreading fake news!

By the way this Lei has been called out by many calling her a liar - a case in point she discussed about Xi having a heart stroke! Reuters came out to debunk the rumours saying old pics of Xi were used in the disinformation/misinformation. In fact a number of netizens told her to clean up her acts as she is tarnishing her reputation/image - her channel has warped into lies/spreading misinformation  ...

shitexchange in this forum another untrustworthy forumer. I hope you Coyote not another fool who just join in the Liars Club!!!!????

TS Pundek Pukimak the ultimate amdk arse lickers stooge’s you don't know meh your daddies will feed you sai hor don't forget to chak yoke hor LMAO 
https://media.tenor.com/-YrgmiDmNTsAAAAM...people.gif https://media.tenor.com/Qb4QTiYvh3cAAAAM/gif.gif https://media.tenor.com/qkEs93I-C2UAAAAM/correct.gif https://media.tenor.com/dIOOnR-HKuQAAAAM...amelia.gif https://media.tenor.com/-bWE2E_hsl4AAAAM...ughing.gif

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