I have the numbers to be PM, says Muhyiddin


But he never said “The numbers dont add up to 112 or more”

That is the difference.

Malaisai all the same

8Umbrella Umbrella

So PN will need BN and GPS to form the govt... Collectively PN and GPS have 95 seats - 16 short of the 111 needed for a majority. Plus 29 nos (from BN / Umno)...to 95+29 total 124

See today news..All 29 Barisan Nasional MPs except Umno president Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi are believed to have signed statutory declarations (SDs) backing Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin as prime minister.

This was facilitated by Sembrong Member of Parliament Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein on Sunday night (Nov 20), Utusan Malaysia reported


(21-11-2022, 10:43 AM)babushka Wrote:  It appears that only Zahid is keen to support his friend Anwar to prop up a PH gov

His MPs and grassroots arent

When Zahid is ousted at the next party elections for loosing the GE & for betrayal, the PH gov will collapse & PN will take over

In the end, BN is still needed to make a stable govt despite the small number of seats won,” the source told Malay Mail.

Umno postponed their Supreme Council meeting scheduled this afternoon after their Political Bureau meeting at noon.

Umno Supreme Council member and Sabah chief Datuk Seri Bung Mokhtar Radin told reporters that the political future of the party was discussed at the meeting.

“We have yet to decide (on forming coalitions). We will discuss more,” he told the media waiting at the lobby.

Earlier today, with Malaysia’s Parliament hung, the Yang Di-Pertuan Agong ordered coalition and party leaders to notify Dewan Rakyat Speaker Tan Sri Azhar Azizan Harun of their numbers to form a new government by 2pm tomorrow.

He also told them to state clearly their respective prime minister candidates, Comptroller of the Istana Negara Datuk Seri Ahmad Fadil Shamsuddin said in a statement this afternoon as the post-election impasse continued.

PH currently has 82 seats while PN have 73. Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) has 24 while their Sabah People’s coalition which is made up of both Umno and Bersatu among local parties has six

(21-11-2022, 10:50 AM)Teeth53 Wrote:  In the end, BN is still needed to make a stable govt despite the small number of seats won,” the source told Malay Mail.

Umno postponed their Supreme Council meeting scheduled this afternoon after their Political Bureau meeting at noon.

Umno Supreme Council member and Sabah chief Datuk Seri Bung Mokhtar Radin told reporters that the political future of the party was discussed at the meeting.

“We have yet to decide (on forming coalitions). We will discuss more,” he told the media waiting at the lobby.

Earlier today, with Malaysia’s Parliament hung, the Yang Di-Pertuan Agong ordered coalition and party leaders to notify Dewan Rakyat Speaker Tan Sri Azhar Azizan Harun of their numbers to form a new government by 2pm tomorrow.

He also told them to state clearly their respective prime minister candidates, Comptroller of the Istana Negara Datuk Seri Ahmad Fadil Shamsuddin said in a statement this afternoon as the post-election impasse continued.

PH currently has 82 seats while PN have 73. Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) has 24 while their Sabah People’s coalition which is made up of both Umno and Bersatu among local parties has six
Perhaps PN together with BN and GPS will form the next govt........... Clapping

(21-11-2022, 11:19 AM)babushka Wrote:  The results say there are no clear winners

But there is a clear loser - BN

The majority have spoken that they do not want BN in the new gov

They want BN as the effective opposition that it was in PH's 22 months gov

Moi thought most boleh lander actually want reform and not just an 'effective' opp? After all PH ish not some long ruling party with absolute power like certain pay & pay until the people desperately need an effective opp to counteract.

To be fair as long as PH don't win majority, it ish a victory for BN liao. 

Cause what BN really fear ish PH had majority and Anwar ish really serious and sincere with his reform of boleh land. Even if people doubt anwar ability to reform boleh land, but if he really push for it and given the power to do so without enough opp to counter or object, most of the big bro big in BN their monetary interest, not just a political one, will be impacted the most.

That why their top most goal ish not really about winning, but to make sure PH under Anwar don't gain power, or at least not able to gain majority.

So in this sense the result may not be a lose but a win for them.

There was a time when the country asked ordinary men to do extraordinary things.

But now, they'll only do it for money.

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