Biden’s historic marijuana shift is his latest election-year move for young voters

Updated 7:45 AM GMT+8, May 1, 2024


Facing softening support from a left-leaning voting group that will be crucial to his reelection hopes in November, Biden has made a number of election-year moves intended to appeal in particular to younger voters. His move toward reclassifying marijuana as a less dangerous drug is just the latest, coming weeks after he canceled student loans for another 206,000 borrowers. He has also made abortion rights central to his case for reelection.


The politics of marijuana are favorable for the president.

According to AP VoteCast, 63% of voters nationally in the 2022 midterm elections said they favor legalizing recreational use of marijuana nationwide, compared with 36% who said they were opposed. Support for legalization was higher among adults under age 45, 73% of whom were in favor. About 8 in 10 Democrats, roughly two-thirds of independents and about half of Republicans were in favor.


“This is a political act — it’s not following the science,” said former DEA Administrator Tim Shea. “It’s politics in election year. It’s like forgiving student loans. It’s aimed at a select group of people and the impact is going to be bad.”

“Law enforcement can’t believe it’s happening,” Shea added.

During the crack epidemic of the 1980s and ‘90s, then-Sen. Biden was a prominent voice in the so-called “War on Drugs.”

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