What to do about rising medical costs in Singapore?


Why was the medical treatment so much more expensive here than in Japan?

[Image: IMG-8646.png]

Many Singaooreans will never seek treatment overseas in their mind it is potentially inferior.

For longest time I did my dental in JB for a fraction of the price....but most Singaporeans think something bad will happen to then if they get treated overseas for anything.

It's a mental block.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

You all dunno meh? It's the high wages of the doctors that cause the medical costs to go up. Of cos, some will argue that they work hard for it. So I always advocate import of doctors from overseas.

Why must other profession's wages be depressed but not the doctor's? Once you balance the demand with supply it'll be all right. It's just simple economics.

Ignore List: Oyk

(11-04-2024, 02:55 PM)Blasterlord2 Wrote:  You all dunno meh? It's the high wages of the doctors that cause the medical costs to go up. Of cos, some will argue that they work hard for it. So I always advocate import of doctors from overseas.

Why must other profession's wages be depressed but not the doctor's? Once you balance the demand with supply it'll be all right. It's just simple economics.

Can the low wage worker who makes 2.5K a month afford a doctor who is paid $200K a month. I don't think so ....

The fundamental problem is income inequality Japan has lowest inequality and Singapore has among the highest.

The PAP will never bridge this gap even though its a matter of life and death for the people

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

(11-04-2024, 02:55 PM)Blasterlord2 Wrote:  You all dunno meh? It's the high wages of the doctors that cause the medical costs to go up. Of cos, some will argue that they work hard for it. So I always advocate import of doctors from overseas.

Why must other profession's wages be depressed but not the doctor's? Once you balance the demand with supply it'll be all right. It's just simple economics.

Can the low wage worker who makes 2.5K a month afford a doctor who is paid $200K a month. I don't think so ....

The fundamental problem is income inequality Japan has lowest inequality and Singapore has among the highest.

The PAP will never bridge this gap even though its a matter of life and death for the people

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

(11-04-2024, 03:02 PM)sgbuffett Wrote:  Can the low wage worker who makes 2.5K a month afford a doctor who is paid $200K a month. I don't think so ....

The fundamental problem is income inequality Japan has lowest inequality and Singapore has among the highest.

The PAP will never bridge this gap even though its a matter of life and death for the people

I agree with you it's because of income inequality. So what's best is to open up a profession that is protected by the govt.

I once talked to a lawyer before about notorization service. I told him many of the steps could be skipped by automation. Then he told me that the lawyers won't allow it because they could earn a lot of money for doing very simple work. 

So it's the govt's intent to protect the lawyers and doctors because they could heavily influence the ballot box.

Ignore List: Oyk

(11-04-2024, 03:06 PM)Blasterlord2 Wrote:  I agree with you it's because of income inequality. So what's best is to open up a profession that is protected by the govt.

I once talked to a lawyer before about notorization service. I told him many of the steps could be skipped by automation. Then he told me that the lawyers won't allow it because they could earn a lot of money for doing very simple work. 

So it's the govt's intent to protect the lawyers and doctors because they could heavily influence the ballot box.

Both lawyers and doctors are so filthy rich, it is because they steal money from our pocket, anyhow charge anyhow increase the prices….what garment can do is to set a guideline for price hike, if more than certain percentage people can report them to the government
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The 61% enjoy being scammed by pap. That's the problem.

Like all scammers, they say they are paying half your cost. Then you turnaround to find that it's so much cheaper elsewhere.

(11-04-2024, 03:01 PM)sgbuffett Wrote:  Can the low wage worker who makes 2.5K a month afford a doctor who is paid $200K a month. I don't think so ....

The fundamental problem is income inequality Japan has lowest inequality and Singapore has among the highest.

The PAP will never bridge this gap even though its a matter of life and death for the people

A doctor who earns $200K a month is a senior consultant from a private horsepeter. Do you really need to see one? That's like saying food is very expensive because HDL charges this when you could have cai png for $5.

A doctor who works in a polyclinic is not earning $200K a month and the government is not charging you $500 for a ten minute consultation. In fact even the GST is waived..but if you go to Mt E, you pay 9% GST on that $500, that's the price for 9 cai png lunches @$5 each. Just GST alone is $45.

A lot of peepur like to compare with Malaysia. They are a resource rich country, have black gold...a lot of money went to politicians and toward supporting the bumis but still there is enough left for the almost free healthcare there. After that, they don't have money to maintain roads, build better schools while community centres and parks and even public libraries don't seem to exist.

Can we do that? Give free healthcare? Yes, we can provided we raise taxes even more. No other way because we don't have oil, rubber and durians to pay for it. I am talking about government healthcare institutions, not the private ones. 

When Lorland Wong raised GST, a lot of jhks took to social media to whine. Singaporeans get GST rebates they don't. They don't care about medical bills because they work here and this is covered by their company. They only care about the GST they are paying for other things..then the 39% join in to "protest" and say the government should be vote out. 

Lorland kept explaining that it's to pay for rising healthcare costs. But you know it's so hard to raise money for that. You have an elderly mother and unless she had bought insurance and can afford to go private, I am sure you would appreciate that she gets PG or MG discounts and GST is waived.

Observer = KILLjoy = starbugstk = Dan = lvlrsSTI = OWNER.
Trying so hard to find my Archilles Point wor. Hehe Love

Very simple mah...

Sph 900 million divert to healthcare can le.... Tongue

“Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth” – Buddha.
[Image: https://i.ibb.co/0hWSqby/wednesday-quote.jpg]

(11-04-2024, 03:31 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote:  Both lawyers and doctors are so filthy rich, it is because they steal money from our pocket, anyhow charge anyhow increase the prices….what garment can do is to set a guideline for price hike, if more than certain percentage people can report them to the government

They are filthy rich for 5 unscrupulous Reasons:

#1. Sell medicine to patients

My GP  doctor told me to buy medicine before

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 

(11-04-2024, 03:06 PM)Blasterlord2 Wrote:  I agree with you it's because of income inequality. So what's best is to open up a profession that is protected by the govt.

I once talked to a lawyer before about notorization service. I told him many of the steps could be skipped by automation. Then he told me that the lawyers won't allow it because they could earn a lot of money for doing very simple work. 

So it's the govt's intent to protect the lawyers and doctors because they could heavily influence the ballot box.

Just like you told Imam not to generalize, you should do as you preach here.

Don't use one lawyer and make sweeping statements.

Most doctors and I interact with a lot of them, not one or two, are not pap supporters. Surprised?

Observer = KILLjoy = starbugstk = Dan = lvlrsSTI = OWNER.
Trying so hard to find my Archilles Point wor. Hehe Love

die is cheaper than medical care in SGP.
[+] 1 user Likes K88 shu shu's post

(11-04-2024, 04:32 PM)Ola Wrote:  They are filthy rich for 5 unscrupulous Reasons:

#1. Sell medicine to patients

My GP  doctor told me to buy medicine before

Sounds like drug dealer, when doctors ask me if I need painkillers, I said “No!”…GPs want to sell antibiotics as it is more costly.
[+] 1 user Likes lvlrsSTI's post

(11-04-2024, 04:36 PM)K88 shu shu Wrote:  die is cheaper than medical care in SGP.

Heard the package prices increased at funeral service, at least 10k if I am not wrong

(11-04-2024, 02:55 PM)Blasterlord2 Wrote:  You all dunno meh? It's the high wages of the doctors that cause the medical costs to go up. Of cos, some will argue that they work hard for it. So I always advocate import of doctors from overseas.

Why must other profession's wages be depressed but not the doctor's? Once you balance the demand with supply it'll be all right. It's just simple economics.

Open up the profession to FTs? Hahaha! Rotfl

Seems like you are a pretty healthy dude. Or you stuck lottery and FIRE while still very young. So you hardly step inside a horsepeter.  Love

A huge number of doctors, nurses and allied healthcare professionals are from third world countries like India.... eek! CECA!, Myanmar and the Philippines. Not exactly 3rd world, so I will add it separately... from China as well. 

Go to Raffles Horsepeter if you want to see private, KTPH if you want government. Indian and Pinoy healthcare professionals plenty plenty. Chinese doctors also. Go to another of your choice. Same same. Do you know what I do for a living?

Observer = KILLjoy = starbugstk = Dan = lvlrsSTI = OWNER.
Trying so hard to find my Archilles Point wor. Hehe Love

#2. CHAS Card to see doctor

Doctors just mark up the price and charge patients more

Because it is covered by CHAS!!

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 
[+] 1 user Likes Ola's post

(11-04-2024, 05:32 PM)Ola Wrote:  #2. CHAS Card to see doctor

Doctors just mark up the price and charge patients more

Because it is covered by CHAS!!

Very dishonest, chasing got money rather than helping the patients

When I saw a GP for flu, he gave me 5-6 different types of medicines, unbelievable!

(11-04-2024, 02:49 PM)sgbuffett Wrote:  Many Singaooreans will never seek treatment overseas in their mind it is potentially inferior.

For longest time I did my dental in JB for a fraction of the price....but most Singaporeans think something bad will happen to then if they get treated overseas for anything.

It's a mental block.

which one u go ? Address...


(11-04-2024, 02:44 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote:  https://www.channelnewsasia.com/commenta...ge-4119801

It is naive to believe that the healthcare industry in S'pore has to make a collaborative effort to serve the community, ahead of the profit motive. Unfortunately, the Govt can only ensure that health services are kept affordable for the masses in public sector facilities. The reality is that private medical care is a business where operators of clinics and hospitals are responsible to their shareholders in terms of profits and dividends. 

(11-04-2024, 05:35 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote:  Very dishonest, chasing got money rather than helping the patients

Control is in the hands of a few major players who operate in the presence of imperfect competition. This accounts for private healthcare costs rising at a rate of over 20% a year. While it is impossible for a single private hospital to corner the market, undercut all competitors and raise prices when patients are left with no alternatives, companies like Parkway Pantai, which owns four premier private hospitals in S'pore, have sufficient market share to enjoy an oligopoly. 

(11-04-2024, 03:31 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote:  Both lawyers and doctors are so filthy rich, it is because they steal money from our pocket, anyhow charge anyhow increase the prices….what garment can do is to set a guideline for price hike, if more than certain percentage people can report them to the government

You are asking the fox to guard the chicken coop!

[Image: Parliament.jpg]
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(11-04-2024, 05:36 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote:  When I saw a GP for flu, he gave me 5-6 different types of medicines, unbelievable!

No all are necessary.

sg govt has been among the lowest in medical expenditure,

Going forward to keep it down, they will need to import 
more alternate medicines or traditional medical
cheaper nurses from the region 
latest equipment that can replace doctor for some check
lesser sugar, lesser sodium adv

have higher chance than reduce def spending based on past experience.

(11-04-2024, 09:12 PM)watchfirst9 Wrote:  No all are necessary.

sg govt has been among the lowest in medical expenditure,

Going forward to keep it down, they will need to import 
more alternate medicines or traditional medical
cheaper nurses from the region 
latest equipment that can replace doctor for some check
lesser sugar, lesser sodium adv

have higher chance than reduce def spending based on past experience.

Means citizens are footing most of the bill. It's funny how the hospital bill always shows huge subsidy for citizens but the end amount is still very high. I suspect they just mark it up by a lot then give u the illusion that they give u big discount.

Ignore List: Oyk

(11-04-2024, 09:24 PM)Blasterlord2 Wrote:  Means citizens are footing most of the bill. It's funny how the hospital bill always shows huge subsidy for citizens but the end amount is still very high. I suspect they just mark it up by a lot then give u the illusion that they give u big discount.

I not sure but as population age, we need to lower the cost because other essential living cost has moving up fast.

As govt revenue will become stagnant as our mature economy slows.
Even for defence, must be more value for money.

(11-04-2024, 02:55 PM)Blasterlord2 Wrote:  You all dunno meh? It's the high wages of the doctors that cause the medical costs to go up. Of cos, some will argue that they work hard for it. So I always advocate import of doctors from overseas.

Why must other profession's wages be depressed but not the doctor's? Once you balance the demand with supply it'll be all right. It's just simple economics.

There's a lot of doctors and lawyers in parliament so the salaries of these 2 professions will never be depressed.

(12-04-2024, 06:52 AM)winbig Wrote:  There's a lot of doctors and lawyers in parliament so the salaries of these 2 professions will never be depressed.

Dont say too early. 
These 2 professions one day will be replaced by AI robots.

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

(12-04-2024, 07:13 AM)RiseofAsia Wrote:  Dont say too early. 
These 2 professions one day will be replaced by AI robots.
In SG they'll protect these 2 professions.

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