What will be the pro and con for pap Lawrence Wong as the newly minted Prime minister

What will be the pro and con for pap Lawrence Wong as the newly minted Prime minister

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As a hypothetical scenario, here are some potential pros and cons for Pap Lawrence Wong as the newly minted Prime Minister:


1. _Experience_: Lawrence Wong has extensive experience in various ministerial roles, including Education, National Development, and Finance, which could serve him well in the PM role.

2. _Policy expertise_: He has been involved in shaping key policies, such as the Singapore Budget and the National Research Foundation.

3. _Strong communicator_: Lawrence Wong is known for his clear and articulate communication style, which could help him effectively engage with citizens and stakeholders.

4. _Reform-minded_: He has shown a willingness to reform and improve existing policies, which could lead to positive changes for the country.

5. _International connections_: As a former Minister for Education, he has established relationships with global leaders in education and beyond, which could benefit Singapore's international relations.


1. _Lack of charisma_: Some may perceive Lawrence Wong as a technocratic leader, lacking the charisma and charm needed to inspire and rally the nation.

2. _Limited grassroots experience_: While he has served in various ministries, he may not have the same level of grassroots experience as other politicians, potentially limiting his understanding of everyday citizens' concerns.

3. _Perceived as part of the establishment_: As a long-serving minister, Lawrence Wong might be seen as part of the political establishment, potentially leading to concerns about a lack of fresh perspectives or new ideas.

4. _Challenges in building a new team_: As a new PM, he would need to assemble a team of ministers and build a cohesive cabinet, which could be a challenging task, especially if he faces resistance from existing party members.

5. _High expectations_: Given his experience and policy expertise, there may be high expectations for his performance as PM, which could lead to criticism if not met.

Please note that this is a hypothetical scenario, and the actual pros and cons might differ based on various factors, including the political landscape and Lawrence Wong's actual performance as PM.

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