china bank smashed after cannot take out the money...

When posting please be mindful of many anti China Youtubers. Many of them exaggerate ... especially China Observer China Insight Wion Firstpost etc - many of these are propaganda and distortion of the real situation. Next time you re-post or forward any of such video think first - otherwise your credibility and integrity compromised and next time no other forumers take you seriously like sgbutt, shitexchange ROFLMAO grotesqueness pervertosan way keling-whore2001 teaserteam etc

For your info it's not a bank but a cooperative in rural China. Notice how the video lied. The run on the money IS NOT DUE TO the economy but rather the change in policy of the local govt. Take note.

Read here:

(Yicai) Jan. 19 -- Irate depositors stormed a branch of the Bijie Rural Consumer Co-operative in southwestern Guizhou province after the Chinese non-official mutual aid organization said it doesn’t have funds available for withdrawal.

The cash flow crisis probably has to do with the local government’s request for the co-operative to change its business and return existing deposits, an employee told Yicai.

China bashers will whack at any news that put China to shame. Then for US news keep quiet lor. This is what we called bias-ness. Parents teach one most likely. They bring glory and fame to their parents whenever they bash China.

Do know what to say leh all ultimate amdk arse lickers stooge’s hor LMAO

The unbalanced video is highly biased.
They cherry picked and only highlighted the negative and disastrous aspects. And they keep attacking non

So obvious they have an ulterior motive.
Don't spread untruths!

Economy bad lah. Food price is exorbitantly high now. That is why recently post so many anti China videos to earn some extra income from YouTube.

[Image: eb998d69235b355a80dba118e2dfe270.gif]

true or not, i wouldn't dare put FD in China bank

Third world china is really a sinking hellhole.

Even their banks have no money and the ah tiongs have to riot and protest to beg for their money back.

Too bad for them, those corrupted ccp officials already makan their money. Many ah tiongs need to eat grass and tree barks soon.

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