Why are so many Britons leaving Australia?


It used to be that you could come to Australia from the UK for a cheaper lifestyle, says radio DJ Jono Coleman, but no more.

"All of the basic commodities - bread, fruit, milk - are more expensive. When I was in London in July this year it was much cheaper to eat out than in Sydney and Melbourne.

"The cost of petrol has also risen. A friend of mine recently took his two children to the cinema and it cost $85 - about £40 - just to see a movie.

"Many Brits came here expecting a land of milk and honey. If you had pounds you were like the king of the castle but not anymore. Now they're saying: 'Hang on, it's too expensive here.'"

"If they live in a bungalow in the suburbs of Adelaide, it gets lonely. There isn't a culture of going for a drink after work and the TV is terrible."

Some people went to Australia for the heat but ended up hating the warmth, the flies, and having to cover the kids in sun cream all the time, he says.

"It's not about living by the coast in the sun - it's about living in a dull flat in suburbs that don't have any real infrastructure."

For some migrants, moving to Australia can be a source of sorrow and regret for people for the rest of their lives, he says.

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