Why bring out the topic of closing the school canteen every year? Buay sian?



The MPs there got nothing better to say to improve the economy. They have no brains to debate on the economy, investment and improve the lives of the people. 

Their knowledge is limited to race, language and religion. Oppose for the sake of opposing.


8Umbrella Umbrella

these are muslim tricks to shut canteen if no body respond

so non muslim got to eat in toilets

Aiya not in Singapore, now school holiday, next week school reopen canteen also open!

Malay politicians up north used to be "one-trick ponies" playing the race card. In recent years, they have finally added one more trick called the religion card!  No wonder Malaysia is stuck firmly in the Third World with a massive brain drain of non-Malays to greener pastures.

(16-03-2024, 07:06 PM)EvertonDiehard Wrote:  Malay politicians up north used to be "one-trick ponies" playing the race card. In recent years, they have finally added one more trick called the religion card!  No wonder Malaysia is stuck firmly in the Third World with a massive brain drain of non-Malays to greener pastures.

They got vast lands not developed which if developed can earn billions but their brain still third world got monies dun wan.

A Barisan Nasional (BN) lawmaker, Tanjong Karang MP Tan Sri Noh Omar told the Dewan Rakyat that stealing is only a crime when a person is caught red-handed. LOL!


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