Why the S. Korean economy face high risks...housing bubble, high debts...

You would think that the US housing bubble and financial crisis was such a historic event every country would step ip and de-risk their economy from a housing bubble.

In Asia we see problems emerging in China ...and in a few or next few yrs  months S.korea 

Whether one likes or dislike the pap the steps they took in 2014 & 2017 to stop the real estate bubble which included extremely high stamp duties and all sorts of restrictions has slowed the bubble in Singapore. Also  the Singapore govt refused the demands  of REDAS to lift restrictions something that would have boosted market in the short term.

The mess in China from Evergrande and the looming debt crisis in S.Korea is a lesson for us to stay vigilant against the tendency for bubbles to form around various assets. 

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

At least SG property market is predictable, steady appreciation at 2-4% annually, any overheating will be quickly cooled by govt measures despite low interest rates.

Any country that plug and play USA model will go hell eventually. SG in some extend.


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