Singapore PM's brother says govt persecuting his family

In a post on Facebook, Lee Hsien Yang said he and his sister, Lee Wei Ling, who had joined him in questioning the execution of the will, had long said they “feared the use of organs of the state against us and my family.”

“The persecution of my family by the Singapore authorities continues unabated,” he wrote.

The prime minister's office did not immediately respond to a request for comment, but he has previously called his siblings' accusations that he had misused government power against them “entirely baseless.”

Their father, Lee Kuan Yew, led Singapore with an iron grip for more than three decades and is credited with transforming the resource-poor island into a wealthy, bustling financial hub with low crime and almost zero corruption.

Following his death in 2015, the siblings clashed over a clause in his will indicating a family bungalow should be demolished rather than become some kind of tourist attraction.

Lee Hsien Yang and his sister have accused their brother, the prime minister, of instead preserving the house to “enhance his political capital” as a “visible symbol” of their father.

The prime minister has rejected the allegations and said he recused himself from the government's decision-making process on deciding the house's fate.

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