Why wavy wounds heal faster than straight wounds

Published on
15 May 2023

Wavy wounds heal faster than straight wounds because shapes influence cell movements, a team of researchers at NTU Singapore study has found.

Using advanced imaging equipment on synthetic wounds that mimic the human skin, the NTU Singapore scientists observed the motion of cells and found that those near wavy shaped wounds moved in a swirling manner while cells near straight wounds moved in straight lines, travelling parallel to the edges.

The NTU team concluded that the swirling or vortex-like movement is crucial to gap-bridging, in which cells build bridges to heal damaged tissues, and which accelerates the wound healing process in wavy wounds.

This is the first time that the relationship between gap bridging, and the speed of wound healing has been determined.

The findings by the research team open the door to the development of more effective strategies to speed up wound healing, for better wound management, tissue repair, and plastic surgery.

Source: https://www.ntu.edu.sg/news/detail/why-w...ght-wounds

More contact points for the same area mah. Really 小题大做,简单复杂化

So how? Tell the siaolang holding knife not to stab me but cut me a wavy line instead?

疫苗可以不打, 手枪一定要打!
疫苗可以不注射, 精子一定要远射!

[Image: Screenshot-20230607-113440-Chrome.jpg]

Only this type can be used for fighting

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