Why you shouldn't be a salaried individual your entire life

Indeed there are many ways of putting food on the table, though majority in Singapore's highly risk-averse society choose to toil under the wings of others- simply because it would seem relatively safer and far less hazardous compared to building an enterprise from scratch for themselves. Then again they really cannot be faulted for possessing such mindsets; after all our working culture has unequivocally demonstrated a near zero tolerance for failure. Folks who rough it out on their own terms and tanked in the aftermath are often viewed as smart-ass rejects who should have known better, rather than aspiring adventurers who haven't quite yet figured out the formula for success.

That being said, having expectations of remaining gainfully employed throughout one's entire life is at best an unrealistic, romantic notion. The iron rice bowl of the past is now a myth in the present day where everyone is always in a rush to reach their next destination, and markets evolve on the terms and conditions of dizzying rapid technological change. So endure the headwinds, run Forrest run, else be prepared to get chewed up and spitted out. 

If you are trapped in a 9-5 job, the following probably apply to you:

1.  You are merely a minion slaving away as you countdown ever so loudly in your head to the moment its finally time to knock off on a daily basis.

2.  You are helplessly subjected to the whims and possibly unreasonable demands of superiors. 

3.  You are a dispensable item in the larger scheme of things; you are ridiculed, criticized and unappreciated. And of course not forgetting to throw in suffering undesirable wage cuts, brutal overtime hours and a constant fear of being replaced into the mix.

More at https://www.bannedsite.com/post/2018/01/...ntire-life

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