US defense budget for possible WAR with China

DOD: Budget preps US for possible war with China

(23 Mar 2023) Pentagon leaders tell Congress that the U.S. military must be ready for possible confrontation with China. And are pushing Congress to approve the military's proposed $842 billion budget, to modernize the force in Asia and around the world. (March 23)
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Why The US Indo-Pacific Command Wants A $15 Billion Share Of Defence Budget To Counter China

Recent wargames revealed that the US could run out of precision-guided munitions within a week if China launched a war over Taiwan. This led to the US Indo-Pacific Command (INDOPACOM) asking for billions in munitions and weapons procurement. It is asking Congress for more than $15 billion this year to stand up to the rapid military buildup of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA). The $15 billion is oriented toward long-term modernization instead of the immediate infrastructural and equipment needs.

Again your typical low class dirty low life white hill billy traxhes mentality .... owe China close to 1 trillion, want to start a war to avoid paying.
Ask for 800+ Billion budget ... from where, lend from China again issit

KTV妹妹说,香港人无义,台湾人无情,新加坂人无智 Big Grin

If there is a possibility, I hope China Russia can do a demilitarization of America worldwide. Even destroy they defense manufacturers

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