Winnie Xi = paper tiger, will his running for a third term be in jeopardy?

[Image: ?hash=d64265c44a3ce022f9932b69350e752d]

Ask you ah - Why did the US military plane carrying Pelosi made a BIG detour away from South China Sea and flew behind the Philippines to enter TW island through the back door ?
You see, US had fought this "Paper Tiger" before.. It didn't went well for the Americans and a famous US Army General go fired by a POTUS for it.   Rolleyes

[Image: pelosi-plane.jpg?resize=800%2C445&ssl=1]

(02-08-2022, 01:57 PM)kokee Wrote:  by tonight, whole world know who is paper tiger, now whole world already know, norm to ccp china, bark only, no action, nothing to deliver, never keep promise, not trustable!
no shame, no face now!
need more lies to cover their lied! same to all comie dogs here!



china & winnie definitely is paper tiger or even worse, little kitten!
but I hope he continues to be elected for 3rd term as china president!

(03-08-2022, 02:57 PM)kokee Wrote:  china & winnie definitely is paper tiger or even worse, little kitten!
but I hope he continues to be elected for 3rd term as china president!

Bankrupt loser kokee howling jealous 

Who let the slave kokee out woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof 
Kokee go take medication 

National scum Shameless bankrupt Pitiful jealous kokee howling scare panic desperate dog losing the slave

aiya 大家都知道老乌婆是来挑拨阿中打呆丸的,法龙狗狗们有什么好呱呱叫? 这次连同你们的狗脸都被丢光了,在羊人面前抬不起来

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