With Delta raging, a highly mutated COVID variant emerges in South Africa


This is a new normal all surviving humans have to live with it gojng forward..dont for how long no body knows...all depend on the world's brilliant scientists to come out with a new vax...

At the moment, the viruses r winning the war against humans whise ingenuity invented robots to the moon, mars n distant planets n yet they cant find a 100%  effective vac

Change is the only constant in this world...if we dont adapt to this fast changing environment, we will b lost ...once lost, satan will take over the command of yr simple rigid mortal mind

C.four when coming?

There is no right or wrong decisions. 
One only has to bear the consequences that one makes  Big Grin

(31-08-2021, 01:05 PM)Yin yang Wrote:  This is a new normal all surviving humans have to live with it gojng forward..dont for how long no body knows...all depend on the world's brilliant scientists to come out with a new vax...

At the moment, the viruses r winning the war against humans whise ingenuity invented robots to the moon, mars n distant planets n yet they cant find a 100%  effective vac

One variant comes after another, thousands of them,  no vaccines are available, a small variant like Delta has killed hundreds of thousands already, many more variants will come after that, mankind will never win, we have to live with all the new variants, no choice. crying

(31-08-2021, 01:08 PM)Yin yang Wrote:  Change is the only constant in this world...if we dont adapt to this fast changing environment, we will b lost ...once lost, satan will take over the command of yr simple rigid mortal mind

we are too slow, the vaccines we have now are to fight original Covid viruses, no vaccines available to fight Delta variant let alone thousands other variants. Confused

Pray hard, only God can save us, will there be a miracle like Trump said viruses will disappear on their own?

This virus is humanity saviors.

Save the earth from further damage..


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