Woman videos chirping from egg bought from Tampines market 1 day prior

Fiona Tan |  October 26, 2021, 09:40 PM


Speaking to Mothership, Lim said the chirping started "early this morning" on Oct. 26.

Lim followed the sound to the last egg in a plastic egg carton.

In the next screenshot shared by Lim, she can be seen consulting a friend over text, and realising that the egg could potentially be hatching "soon".

Lim proceeded to wrap the egg up in a towel to warm it up, but the chirping got softer.


Lim then placed a call to the egg supplier, and sent them the videos she took.

The egg company responded, confirming that all of their eggs are unfertilised. They assured Lim that there is no chance that a chick could be in the chirping egg, according to Lim.


they need to be ferterlized and incubated with 38°C for 21 days to hatch. how's that possible

keep it as pet,the chosen one.

When my children were young, they were curious about chicks. So i obliged, bought 2 little ones. 
But they grew up real fast. They ate, they shit.
After much consideration, the only way was '放生'。

This is more likely for duck eggs, cos sometimes male ducks hide among the female ducks and it's more difficult to tell the two genders apart. For chicken, not likely to happen.

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