Woman who helped scammers move $2M jailed 7yrs

Woman helped scammers move over $2m out of Singapore jailed for more than 7 years

SINGAPORE - A woman who helped Nigerian scammers move more than $2 million out of Singapore was on Monday (Aug 2) jailed for seven years and four weeks.

Rohaiza Alap, 46, had provided her bank accounts to Nigerian scammers in return for commissions and recruited other people to similarly act as money mules.

She had pleaded guilty to 15 charges, including eight of conspiring with others to provide bank accounts to receive criminal proceeds.

In a joint statement on Monday, the police and the Attorney-General's Chambers (AGC) said Rohaiza was involved in a money-mule syndicate, where an organised and sophisticated network acted as a professional money-laundering group.

She provided a total of 25 bank accounts to receive criminal proceeds, laundering over $1.35 million through them.

In all, she helped the scammers move over $2 million out of Singapore.

She also sought to compromise investigations by instructing one of the money mules to lie to the Commercial Affairs Department that the person had no knowledge of the monies received in her bank accounts.

On Monday, the police and AGC said: "We will continue to work together to deter offenders from using Singapore's financial system as a refuge or conduit for illicit funds."

Seems a bit harsh. She was not involved jn fraud just helping to move money for commission.

Kong Hee took $32M only got 5yrs jail.

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