Xi Jinping scolds own officials including Wang Yi for miscalculation against Trump



Mental retard Pundek koyok the ultimate amdk arse lickers stooge’s you don't know meh your daddies Falun Gong cults media movies extremely evil and very dark one hor LMAO mental stupid hor correct or not arse lickers stooge’s 
https://media.tenor.com/TIohhhv3TDoAAAAM...r-bean.gif https://media.tenor.com/HhMNTjd_zgcAAAAM...n-dork.gif https://media.tenor.com/DZuoVTj85NAAAAAM...hehehe.gif

Without usaid funding how long can da ji yuan last?

A stupid scold another 2 stupid? Lol....
[+] 2 users Like Sharexchange's post

TRIGGERED 💩exchange the ultimate amdk arse lickers stooge’s singing and dancing keep barking woof woof and sucking your daddies dick LMAO correct or not arse lickers stooge’s
https://media.tenor.com/TIohhhv3TDoAAAAM...r-bean.gif https://media.tenor.com/DZuoVTj85NAAAAAM...hehehe.gif

(14-02-2025, 08:00 AM)Coyote Wrote:  https://www.epochtimes.com/gb/25/2/13/n14436103.htm

Why you bother about Xi scolds Wang Yi fake news?    

Why you post falungong cult's publication epoch times 大纪元's fake news?   

You follow flg cult to attack your 祖宗十八代 for what?   


It's ok let these really dumb headless supporters of fucklonggong & and angmo asses be ....

Soon Trump is going to punish Taiwan for cheating US and demand the chips businesses in Taiwan be returned to US! Hahahahaha ... we the sane forumers here should just sit back eat popcorn and relax - watch action movie between US & Taiwan! Kwai Ta Kwai (Ghost fight ghost)

coyote pukimak way revealer greentiger shitexchange jericho65 and the bunch of headless fanboys of US of Arse - eat your heart out!!!!
[+] 1 user Likes sporeguy's post

(14-02-2025, 08:35 AM)Sharexchange Wrote:  A stupid scold another 2 stupid?  Lol....

chinese tom dick harry

(14-02-2025, 08:35 AM)Sharexchange Wrote:  A stupid scold another 2 stupid?  Lol....

ccp cult pwning each other lololololol!  Rotfl Rotfl Rotfl


WTF?! How come cult leader xi scold own doggy for miscalculation against trump lolololol! Tongue Tongue Tongue

Is it like how cult leader xi purged and disappeared qin gang, li shang fu, hu jintao etc lolololol! Tongue Tongue Tongue

No wonder their white master russia also abandon such a useless lackey like third world china by tariffing these scums lolololol! Tongue Tongue Tongue
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