china balloon is tracking a ARTIC BLAST

February 4, 2023

Chinese Weather Balloon Tracking Mysterious Arctic Blast Collides With Biden Frozen Bank Accounts

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A thought-provoking new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today first noting the infamous 20th Anniversary of the day United States Secretary of State Colin Powell exhibited a tiny vial of white powder, which was supposed to represent anthrax, to the United Nations Security Council in order to lyingly claim that America had no choice but wage a war against Iraq, where weapons of mass destruction were never found, says as to the likelihood of America attempting such a vile act in the future, Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov observed: “Washington has lost its ability to use force on the global stage without facing serious pushback...The Americans will have to adjust to the new rails and get rid of the impunity syndrome that so clearly manifested itself during the anthrax vial scandal...The same applies to taking into account Russia and China, as well as other major international players that are shaping a more just multilateral world order...The United States should not cherish any hope that the memories of what happened 20 years ago would be buried in the shifting sands of modern history”.

In furtherance of the effort to shape a more just multilateral world, this report notes, Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Ma Zhaoxu paid a two-day visit to Russia from Thursday to Friday, and met with Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and other officials, with both sides agreeing to advancing bilateral ties to a higher level and make new progress in the new year—a visit where one of the main topics discussed was the socialist Western colonial powers cutting off access to global weather data from Russia—a cutting off of global weather data coming at the same time Siberia recorded a “new all-time low” of temperatures from a mysterious Arctic blast—a mysterious Arctic blast joined a fortnight ago by the Western scientific paper “Climatological Predictions Of The Auroral Zone Locations Driven By Moderate And Severe Space Weather Events”, wherein it revealed: “Since the beginning of the 20th century, the evolution of the Northern auroral zone can be essentially described by a drift from North America towards Siberia, in qualitative agreement with the recent rapid motions of the North Magnetic pole”—and yesterday, scientists around the world reported: “In a continued sign of strength for Solar Cycle 25, sunspot counts just hit a 9-year high...The monthly sunspot number skyrocketed in January 2023”.

Also a fortnight ago, this report continues, China was struck by a mysterious Arctic blast, after which it was reported: “China’s northernmost city of Mohe saw the temperature dip to minus-63.4 degrees (minus-53 Celsius)...That’s the coldest temperature measured in the country during modern times”—in quick response, the China Meteorological Administration (CMA) launched a series of weather balloons, which are manufactured by the Zhuzhou Rubber Research & Design Institute Co., Ltd. of Chemchina, to track what they suspected would be another mysterious Arctic blast triggered by record-breaking solar activity—which did materialize, but instead of tracking into Siberia or China, this latest mysterious Arctic blast veered violently towards the Northeast region of the United States, and today sees articles appearing like “Wind Chills In New England Are So Low, They're Literally Off The Charts” and “Millions In US North-East Brace For ‘Once-In-A-Generation’ Arctic Blast”.

After at least one of China’s weather balloons was swept off course by the latest mysterious Arctic blast now striking the Northeast region of the United States, this report details, the Chinese Foreign Ministry declared a force majeure—in contract law, force majeure is a common clause in contracts which essentially frees both parties from liability or obligation when an extraordinary event or circumstance beyond the control of the parties occurs—in response to China declaring a force majeure over its off course weather balloons, however, the socialist Biden Regime and its leftist media lapdogs went into full-blown hysteria over fantastical Chinese “spy balloons”, even to the point of US Secretary of State Antony Blinken cancelling his imaginary visit to China, which the Chinese Foreign Ministry factually revealed they knew nothing about as no such visit had been scheduled, and stated: “In fact, neither side has ever announced that there would be a visit”.

As history has long proven, this report notes, whenever the socialist Biden Regime and its leftist media lapdogs launch themselves into hysteria mode it’s wise to see what they’re really hiding—and in this instance are social media posts appearing like “HOLY SHIT!!...Biden documents scandal includes 1850 Boxes, enough to fill a tractor trailer, plus 415 GB of electronic records!...The Senate Intelligence Committee is demanding Biden turn these documents over, but they are refusing to do so!!” and the beyond shocking revelation: “Joe Biden quietly took out a $250,000 line of credit against his Rehoboth Beach home in December amid his classified documents scandal”.

With Supreme Socialist Leader Joe Biden currently under investigation by Special Council Robert Hur, this report continues, the known facts and evidence strongly suggest that Socialist Leader Biden was forced to take out a line of credit to pay attorney fees because his bank accounts have been frozen—and as Socialist Leader Biden is paid over $550,000 per year in his current job, along with having earned over $17 million during the past few years, and him reporting over $8 million in assets, it makes no logical sense why he’d have to obtain a sudden $250,000 line of immediate credit.

As to the American people learning the truth about Socialist Leader Biden’s frozen bank accounts or fantastical Chinese “spying balloons”, this report concludes, it remains highly doubtful, and as further confirmed this morning when Breitbart News shockingly revealed: “The New York Times, self-proclaimed “paper of record”, waited more than 500 days before finally reporting it had authenticated critical emails from now-President Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop....The Times allowed the false narrative that the Hunter Biden laptop was somehow “Russian disinformation” to permeate the public debate for over a year when it had obtained evidence to the contrary...Seventy-one percent of Americans believe accurate reporting of Hunter Biden’s “Laptop from Hell” could have altered the 2020 presidential election, TIPP Insights polling revealed Monday”. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

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