Ukraine-born Republican Rep rankles colleagues with her aggressive criticism of Kyiv

By Melanie Zanona and Natasha Bertrand, CNN

Updated 2106 GMT (0506 HKT) August 5, 2022


In the nearly six months since the war began, Spartz has publicly criticized the Ukraine government, peddled corruption allegations against the Ukrainian government and some of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky's top aides, and spurred complaints from her colleagues that she is mirroring pro-Russia talking points.

"President Zelensky has to stop playing politics and theater, and start governing to better support his military and local governments," Spartz said in a press release last month, in one example of her outspoken criticisms of Kyiv.

Spartz, a 43-year-old businesswoman, has repeatedly insisted, publicly and privately, that she wants Ukraine to win, and that she is only attacking Kyiv because she wants to help remove any potential obstacles to a Ukrainian victory over Russia. She says she has visited Ukraine six times since the invasion began and has also slammed Russia consistently, including as recently as Tuesday when she tweeted that Russia should be declared a terrorist state.

Still, Spartz's bellicose rhetoric aimed at Zelensky and his advisers has frustrated lawmakers in both parties, White House officials and members of the Ukrainian parliament alike. They worry she is undermining their efforts to stay united behind Ukraine at a pivotal moment


Spartz has now become something of a liability for defense hawks who were already worried about fatigue in the United States over the ongoing war abroad.


Spartz contends she has long been concerned about corruption in Ukraine. But lawmakers fear her public criticism could undermine confidence in Zelensky, damage relations between the U.S. and Ukraine, and give on-the-fence lawmakers a reason to oppose the next aid package.


the top three Republicans on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, the House Intelligence Committee and the House Armed Services Committee have all urged Spartz to tone down her posture

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