Singapore’s Gold Reserves – Up 44.6% in 3 Months

2 Jun 2023 17:24
Ronan Manly


Up until the end of December 2022, MAS had been reporting total gold reserves of 153.8 tonnes (4.94 million ozs). At the end of February, it became apparent from the report that in January 2023, MAS had added a gigantic  to its official reserves, thereby increasing Singapore’s gold holdings from 153.8 tonnes to 198.4 tonnes in just one month.

When the ‘International Reserves and Foreign Currency Liquidity’ came out at the end of March, it again showed that MAS had added another 6.79 tonnes of gold in February – thereby boosting Singapore’s gold holdings to over 205 tonnes.

Then when the MAS International Reserves report was published again at the end of April, it showed yet another increase of 17.24 tonnes of gold, bringing Singapore’s gold holdings to a whopping 222.4 tonnes (7.15 million ozs)


over the course of 3 months from January to March inclusive, MAS has bought a staggering 68.7 tonnes of gold, boosting its gold reserves by a whopping 44.6%. In terms of known central bank gold buyers, this gold accumulation by MAS is the largest gold purchase by any central bank in the world during the first quarter of 2023.


the 3 month gold buying spree by Singapore’s central bank has come to an end – for now at least. Even so, its a world record for Q1 2023. It even surpasses the announced gold purchases by China for Q1 2023, which came to an accumulated 57.85 tonnes, and which makes China the second largest central bank gold buyer in Q1 2023. In third place is Turkey, which added 30.2 tonnes of gold in Q1. In fourth place is India with a ‘mere’ 7.2 tonnes bought in Q1.


In addition to Q1 2023, you may recall that Singapore’s central bank also bought significant amounts of gold in the two month period from May to June 2021 –  specifically 26.35 tonnes of gold (16.4 tonnes in May 2021 and 9.95 tonnes in June 2021).


Those purchases took Singapore’s gold holdings from 127.42 tonnes to 153.76 tonnes. So if you take all of these gold purchases together from May 2021 up to March 2023, Singapore’s central bank has actually added a massive 95 tonnes of gold in less than 2 years, and in the process boosted Singapore’s sovereign gold holdings by a huge 75% from 127.42 to 222.4 tonnes.

pinky and whore jinx store them in their swiss account

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