Nearly 20% of American adults who have had COVID report having long COVID

Nearly 20% of American adults who’ve had COVID—an estimated 50 million Americans—report having long COVID symptoms after their infection resolves, according to data collected by the U.S. Census Bureau this summer.

My best friend also kena long covid

dry cough for 2 mths after she recovered

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 

Take note of this sentence from the article - COVID is not a flu. Its side effects, which researches are still on going, can be long and debilitating.

"...Many experts contend that long COVID is best defined as a chronic-fatigue-syndrome-like condition that develops after COVID illness, similar to other post-viral syndromes like those that can occur after infection with herpes, Lyme disease, and even Ebola."

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